Universität Wien

420002 SE "aus-ein-an-der-setzen" (2024S)

Current German-language debates on cultures of remembrance in a global perspective

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German



Beginn- u. Enddatum inkl. Uhrzeiten: 5. März 2024 bis 25. Juni 2024, 11:15-12:45 Uhr
Ort und Raum: Institut für Afrikawissenschaften, Spitalgasse 2, Uni Campus Hof 5.1., Seminarraum 3
Online-Anmeldung (erwünscht?): ja, bitte Anmeldung über u:space


Aims, contents and method of the course

In this seminar, participants will deal with the debates on memory cultures that have been intensively conducted in the German-speaking world since the so-called "Mbembe" debate in spring 2020.
The main questions are: What forms of cultures of remembrance exist? Whose memory counts in public discourse? Whose memory remains largely invisible and why? How can academic projects help to fill these gaps?
A large number of actors - academics, journalists, activists - are involved in various media channels, which is why it has become difficult to maintain an overview. However, several publications have already appeared in book format that attempt to categorize and continue the debates.
The monographs and edited volumes listed in the bibliography therefore serve as a starting point for our analytical discussion in the seminar.

Based on the reading of parts of these works and their joint discussion in the units, the participants are asked to write academic essays of 10-15 pages. In these essays, they will take a closer look at a specific question and draw on relevant literature they have researched themselves. Alternatively, it is also possible to write a detailed comparative review of at least two or more works.
The essays can take on different disciplinary perspectives; linguistic and literary studies questions are just as conceivable as historical or cultural studies approaches. The essays can be written in German, English or French. Oral presentations in the course in German or English.
The entire research, reading and writing process is accompanied by systematic reflection and continuous exchange regarding one's own positioning.

Assessment and permitted materials

Active participation in class, i.e. discussion of the readings (30%)
Presentation of a own concept paper (30%)
Essay of 10-15 pages to be submitted until 30 September 2024 (40 %)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

1 - Very good: 100-90 percent
2 - Good: 89-75 percent
3 - Satisfactory: 74-60 percent
4 - Sufficient: 59-50 percent
5 - Not sufficient: 49-0 percent

Examination topics

no additional exam

Reading list

Benz, Wolfgang (Hg., 2023): Erinnerungsverbot? Die Ausstellung "Al Nakba" im Visier der Gegenaufklärung. Berlin: Metropol Verlag.
Böckmann, Matthias/ Gockel, Matthias/ Kößler, Reinhart/ Melber, Henning (Hg., 2022): Jenseits von Mbembe – Geschichte, Erinnerung, Solidarität. Berlin: Metropol Verlag.
Brumlik, Micha (2021): Postkolonialer Antisemitismus? Achille Mbembe, die palästinensische BDS-Bewegung und andere Aufreger. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag.
Feldman, Deborah (2023): Judenfetisch. München: Luchterhand Literaturverlag.
Neiman, Susan/ Wildt, Michael (Hg., 2022): Historiker Streiten. Gewalt und Holocaust – Die Debatte. Berlin: Propyläen.
Moses, Dirk A. (2023): Nach dem Genozid. Grundlage für eine neue Erinnerungskultur. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.
Rothberg, Michael (2021): Multidirektionale Erinnerung: Holocaustgedenken im Zeitalter der Dekolonisierung. Berlin: Metropol Verlag.
Wiedemann, Charlotte (2022): Den Schmerz der Anderen Begreifen. Holocaust und Weltgedächtnis. Berlin: Propyläen.
Zadoff, Mirjam (2023): Gewalt und Gedächtnis. Globale Erinnerung im 21. Jahrhundert. München: Carl Hanser Verlag.
Zimmerer, Jürgen (Hg., 2023): Erinnerungskämpfe. Neues deutsches Geschichtsbewusstsein. Ditzingen: Philipp Reclam Jun. Verlag.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 27.03.2024 15:27