Universität Wien

470001 VU Technical and epistemological challenges in protein-ligand complex crystal structure models (2017W)

Continuous assessment of course work


Language: English



24.10.2017 - 09:00 - 17:00, UZA 2, SE 2F 363 (Link F, Level 3)
25.10.2017 - 09:00 - 17:00


Aims, contents and method of the course

Complexes of proteins with other molecules ranging from small molecule therapeutics to peptide ligands and antibody complexes represent the most interesting and informative crystal structures. The evaluation of such complexes for a given purpose is non-trivial and requires a clear understanding of the technical background of X-ray crystallography and awareness of the human factors on electron density interpretation. The necessary minimum technical knowledge to evaluate crystallographic models will be introduced and case studies will be presented enabling students to critically analyze and, when possible, improve published protein-ligand complex structure models.

Assessment and permitted materials

Lecture and hands on exercise. Depending on prior knowledge, some work outside of class may be required. Collaborative work by students of different background on selected problems is encouraged. Advanced students are expected to assist their colleagues.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

For MolTag-DK students: A positive previous evaluation of existing basic knowledge (evaluation is mandatory for participation in the course:
or completion of the course by Margot Ernst (SS 2017) if required .
Cross-disciplinary ambition is an advantage, from experimental pharmacology to computational methods.

Examination topics

Biomolecular crystallography is based on a solid foundation of rich experimental data combined with an extensive body of prior knowledge. As a prime example for modern experimental science, it relies on evidence-based reasoning assessing the plausibility of its models based on prior knowledge, while at the same time constantly delivering some of the most novel and exciting results originating from new experimental evidence. Because of the solid underlying physical principles and its mathematical rigor - at least up to the point of electron density generation - crystallography as a mature science should be almost fool-proof - were it not for the human element. The human element enters at the stage of electron density interpretation, where sparseness of evidence can become inversely proportional to the increasing liberties taken in divining poorly supported models, often associated with extraordinarily strong claims. The temptation of projecting strong preconceptions into weak electron density must be balanced by an equally strong demand for irrefutable proof positive in form of minimally biased, clear electron density. There is good reason why scientific epistemology requires proof positive and falsifiability to validate a claim or hypothesis: Absolute absence of evidence in form of zero electron density can never be proven - there will invariably be noise in the electron density reconstruction, beckoning to harbor fragments of any desirable model.
Safeguards against overinterpretation in statistical and epistemological terms within a Bayesian framework of ligand validation for users will be discussed

Reading list

Recommended reading: B. Rupp, Biomolecular Crystallography: Principles, Practice and Application to Structural Biology.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:43