Universität Wien

490073 PR Orientation Practicum (2018S)

Fachbezug: Geografie und Wirtschaftskunde

2.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 49 - Lehrer*innenbildung
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Thursday 22.03. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 12.04. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 19.04. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 26.04. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 03.05. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 17.05. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 24.05. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 07.06. 16:45 - 20:00 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 14.06. 16:45 - 20:00 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13
  • Thursday 21.06. 16:45 - 20:00 Seminarraum 3 UniCampus Hof 7 Eingang 7.1 2H-EG-13


Aims, contents and method of the course

The course offers insights into teaching practice. Methods of monitoring, collecting data and its systematic analysis as well as introduction into practical research represent important content of the class. This basis offers a theoretical reflection of pedagogic practice and thus a confident but also flexible design of teaching for students.
Schools of cooperation will be visited and and class observations as well as teaching practices will be planned and conducted and reflected upon. Within the written planning and reflection of the teaching sequences, further questions which are relevant for the students' own tasks and goals regarding their professional development, also for other teaching subjects, will be formulated.

Assessment and permitted materials

- presence in class (100% compulsory attendance)
- tasks on the e-learning platform Moodle
- active participation in class and on Moodle
- conduction of all teaching practices, including discussions before and afterwards
- possible work assignments
- creation of a portfolio and its delivery on time

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

This course provides an insight into the field of teaching as well as the job environment of teachers. Thereby, competences regarding professional development will be gathered, especially fundamental pedagogic abilities and skills will be acquired. Dealing with institutional environments of teaching and studying, taking into account fundamental problems of education and the research of teaching as well as common didactics and empirical teaching research are central topics. Own experiences and observations will be discussed from a theoretical perspective, integrated and reflected upon. There will be critical discussions about the functions of school and teaching in general, as well as central questions regarding teaching and studying within an educational context. Questions regarding the variety of different prerequisites of the "inclusive school" concept will be discussed and worked on, in order to be able to act accordingly afterwards. The knowledge gained will be applied and trained in practical phases. Also, theoretical and practical knowledge pertaining to the creation of social relationships and cooperative modes of working will be introduced, they represent basics of educational consulting. The students' own role perception, biography of studying and personal development will be reflected and the concept of lifelong education will be discussed.

Examination topics

Therefore, working with fundamental literature is necessary, this will be independently prepared within working groups in order to enable the students to do proper teaching observation and benefit for their own practical teaching experience. Within phases of reflection, the students' experiences from their practical teaching sequences, as well as before and afterwards, will be analyzed and worked upon together in class.

Reading list

Altrichter, H. & Posch ,P .(2006). Lehrer erforschen ihren Unterricht. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.
Breidenstein, G. (2008). Allgemeine Didaktik und praxeologische Unterrichtsforschung. In: Meyer, M. A. & Hellekamps, S. (Hrsg.). Perspektiven der Didaktik. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft Sonderheft 9 (2008). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 201 215.
De Boer, H. & Reh, S. (Hrsg.). Beobachtung in der Schule Beobachten lernen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2012. [Ausgewählte Texte, Gesamttext auf Moodle unter Literatur Orientierungspraktikum SoSe 16]
Breidenstein, G. (2012). Zeugnisnotenbesprechung. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich. [Moodle unter Literatur Orientierungspraktikum SoSe 16]
Rabenstein, K. & Schrittesser, I. (Hrsg.) (2014). Beobachten. Journal für LehrerInnenbildung 14. Jg. (1). Wien: Facultas WUV.
Schrittesser, I. (2013). Die vielen Gesichter der Leistungsbeurteilung. Über Potentiale, Ansprüche und übliche Praktiken. Keynote ÖFEB-Tagung "Leistungsbeurteilung zwischen Selektions- und Förderauftrag", Universität Salzburg.
Vorschläge zur Vertiefung (optional):
Atteslander, P. (2010). Beobachtung. In ders. Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, S. 73-107
Esslinger-Hinz, I. & Sliwka, A. (2011). Schulpädagogik. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz. [Moodle unter Literatur Orientierungspraktikum SoSe 16]
Gruschka, A. (2005). Auf dem Weg zu einer Theorie des Unterrichtens. Die widersprüchliche Einheit von Erziehung, Didaktik und Bildung in der allgemeinbildenden Schule. Frankfurter Beiträge zur Erziehungswissenschaft. Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität: Frankfurt am Main. [Moodle unter Literatur Orientierungspraktikum SoSe 16]
Meyer, A.M. & Hellekamps, S. (Hrsg.). Perspektiven der Didaktik. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Sonderheft 9 (2008).
Schlömerkemper, J. (2010). Konzepte Pädagogischer Forschung. Eine Einführung in Hermeneutik und Empirie. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt:UTB.
Diederich, J. (1988). Didaktisches Denken. Eine Einführung in Anspruch und Aufgabe, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Allgemeinen Didaktik. Weinheim und München: Juventa.
Kiper, H. & Mischke, W. (2009). Unterrichtsplanung. Weinheim: Beltz. Koller, Hans-Christoph (2008): Grundbegriffe, Theorien und Methoden der
Trautmann, Matthias & Wischer, Beate (2011). Heterogenität in der Schule. Eine kritische Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 21.04.2021 13:39