Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

580002 SE PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures (2021W)

Scientific Lectures

Continuous assessment of course work

Detailprogramm finden sie auf moodle.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 40 participants
Language: German



During the course doctoral students (PhaNuSpo) and master students have the opportunity to get to know the lecturers as part of "Meet the Expert" and discuss with them between 3:30 pm and 4:15 pm. Thereafter, the invited guest lecturers will give a talk from 4:45 pm - 5:45 pm.

Update (22.11.2021): Due to the current situation the meet the expert and talk of Prof. Matthys (01.12.2021) will take place ONLINE via ZOOM (please find the links on moodle).
Update (21.12.2021): Due to the current situation the meet the expert and talk of Prof. Schmidtko (12.01.2022) will take place ONLINE via ZOOM (please find the links on moodle).
Update (17.11.2022): Due to the current situation the meet the expert and talk of Prof. Jonkers (26.01.2022) will take place ONLINE via ZOOM (please find the links on moodle).

06.10.2021 (Vorbesprechung, online)
13.10.2021 UZA II, Althanstraße 14 (15:30-16:15 HS7, 16:45-17:45 HS8)
27.10.2021 UZA II Althanstraße 14 (15:30-16:15 HS6, 16:45-17:45 HS5)
10.11.2021 UZA II Althanstraße 14 (15:30-16:15 HS7, 16:45-17:45 HS8)
01.12.2021 Online via Zoom (15:30-16:15 Online via Zoom, 16:45-17:45 Online via Zoom)
12.01.2022 Online via Zoom (15:30-16:15 Online via Zoom, 16:45-17:45 Online via Zoom)
26.01.2022 Online via Zoom (15:30-16:15 Online via Zoom, 16:45-17:45 Online via Zoom)

Please note the information above on starting time and lecture halls of the seminar! Please check the specified lecture halls before each appointment.


Aims, contents and method of the course

As part of the course, students have the opportunity to get to know experts from various research fields of pharmaceutical, nutritional and sport sciences and to discuss current issues of various areas of pharmaceutical, nutritional and sport research. Thereafter, the invited guest speaker gives a lecture of its respective research area.

Assessment and permitted materials

Regular, active participation in the lectures as well as on at least two freely selectable dates "Meet the Expert".

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Participation in all lectures (no missed date in the lectures) and
Participation in at least two freely selectable dates "Meet the Expert"

Examination topics

Content of the course

Reading list

if applicable: presentations by the speakers

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Tu 18.01.2022 17:29