801498 VO Virtual Anthropology - Introd. into dig. 3D-meth. (2003W)
Virtual Anthropology - Introduction into digital 3D-methods
Vorbesprechung: Do., 9.10.2003, 13:00 im Seminarraum Anthropologie
Vorbesprechung: Do., 9.10.2003, 13:00 im Seminarraum Anthropologie
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Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 09:01
Introduction into a new area of anthropology: From traditional methods to three-dimensional quantitative morphometry, data acquisition (CT, MRT, surface scanning), stereolithography, biostatistical analysis and math. methods (Geometric Morphometrics), applications in anthropology and medicine (hidden anatomical structures, virtual endocasts, likelihood-based reconstruction, e-preparation of fossils, ontogenetic vectors, phylogenetic classification, comp. brain anatomy, surgery planning, prosthetics, etc.), future working modes.