Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

891219 UE Pflanzenanatomische Übungen f. Fortgeschrittene I (2004S)

Pflanzenanatomische Übungen für Fortgeschrittene (nur gemeinsam mit Nr. 891 208 zu besuchen)

0.00 ECTS (4.50 SWS), UG99 Ökologie
Continuous assessment of course work

Vorbesprechung am 03.03.04 um 9 Uhr im Seminarraum 5 (Raumnummer 1318); (UE geplant MI 10-13 Uhr, ev. verlegbar)


Language: German



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Comparative and systematic anatomy vascular plants (roots, stems, crossing stage root/stem, rhizomes, leafs of angiosperms and gymnosperms) ecological parameters of development of vegetative plant organs.
Various cut and stain technologies: preparation and production of microscopic thin-slides, spodogramms.

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Currently no association information is available.

Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 09:01