Universität Wien

950154 VU Fundamentals of European Economic Policy (2024W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), Universitätslehrgänge
Continuous assessment of course work

This is a fee-based continuing education (master's) program/certificate program offered by the Postgraduate Center. Please note that you must be admitted to a continuing education (master's) programe/certificate program * to participate. For further information regarding continuing education (mster's) programs/certificate programs, please visit: https://www.postgraduatecenter.at/en/


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: English



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Thematic focus
The course provides an introduction to the fundamental problems of economic policy and macroeconomics in Europe. The course teaches economic policies, the theoretical assumptions on which they are based, and the economic policy objectives and instruments they imply for Europe.

Learning objectives
Students should be able to analyse and evaluate European economic policy problems and opinions on the grounds of a basic understanding of economics.

Learning methods
Presentation, assignments, discussion based on literature and current cases
Preparatory reading
• Dullien, S. (2018) Macroeconomics in Context, Routledge, Economic Activity in Context, pp. 42-54 and Macroeconomics in Context, pp. 55-61
• Staveren, I.v. (2015): Macroeconomics after the Crisis, Routledge, The Macroeconomic Flow, pp.251-272

Assessment and permitted materials

1) Mid-term-test (topics: economic policy aims, circular flow, fiscal policy, income and distribution, economic concpets) (max. 100 points, weighted 30%)
2) Final test (topics: European Single Market and competition policy, EU Economic Governance, Macroeconomics & Gender) (max. 100 points, weighted 30%)
3) 2 assignments (2 assignments in total max. 100 points, weighted 25%)
4) Participation in class (max 100 points, weighted 15%)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

0 – 49,5 p: 5/fail;
50 – 62 p: 4/sufficient;
62,5 – 74,5 p: 3/satisfactory;
75 – 87 p: 2/good;
87,5 – 100 p: 1/excellent

Examination topics

Details will be published on moodle.

Reading list

Dullien, Sebastian et.al. (2018). Macroeconomics in Context. A European Perspective, Routledge.
– Chapters 1.1 and 1.2 Economic Activity in Context, pp. 42-54 (L1)
– Chapter 1.3 Macroeconomics in Context, pp. 55-61 (L3)
– Chapter 3.3 Distribution: who gets what, and how?, pp.101-113 (L2)
– Chapter 10.1, 10.2 Public Budgets in Europe, pp.324-344 (L2)
– Chapter 16.5 European Rules on Debt and Deficits, pp. 541-544 (L2, L4)
– Chapter 14.2.1 The Trade Balance, pp. 463-465 (L6)
– Chapter 14.3.3 The Balance of Payments, pp. 474-479 (L6)

Van Staveren, Irene (2015). Economics after the crisis. Routledge.
– Chapter 1 Economics as a science, pp. 10-36 (L3)
– Chapter 10 The macroeconomic flow, pp.251-272 (L1, L3)

Baldwin, Richard, and Charles Wyplosz (2022). The Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill.
– Chapter 11 EU competition and state aid, pp.255-274 (L5)
– Chapter 12 Trade Policy, pp.275-287 (L6)

Schlager, C., & Klatzer, E. (2014). Feminist Perspectives on Macroeconomics: Reconfiguration of Power Structures and Erosion of Gender Equality Through the New Economic Governance Regime in the European Union. In The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory, 483–499. (L4)

– European Commission: 2024 European Semester: Annual sustainable growth survey (L4, L5)

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 04.10.2024 12:07