Course Exam
010094 VO Intercultural Philosophy (2024S)
Prüfungstermin 2 von 4. Prüfungsformat: Multiple Choice Test "offline"
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Tu 03.09.2024 00:01 to Tu 17.09.2024 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Su 22.09.2024 23:59
Examination topics
Content of the lecture in Moodle.
Assessment and permitted materials
Multiple Choice Exam written (Update 8.8.2024).
Exams in German.
Exams also in English possible (Update 8.8.2024).
Multiple choice Exam written online in Moodle. (Update 26.6.2024): with accompanying Chatroom / Video Call - will be clarified in summer.
Exams in German.
Exams in German.
Exams also in English possible (Update 8.8.2024).
Multiple choice Exam written online in Moodle. (Update 26.6.2024): with accompanying Chatroom / Video Call - will be clarified in summer.
Exams in German.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
In order to pass the exam, sufficient expertise has to be proven, at least 50% of achievable points. One point per correct answer.
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 05:05