Course Exam
010111 VO Basic Course Sacramental Celebrations (2021S)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 29.09.2022 00:01 to Th 13.10.2022 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Mo 17.10.2022 23:59
Examination topics
Inhalt der Vorlesungseinheiten. Dazu werden Gliederungs-, Text- und Arbeitsblätter auf der Moodle-Lernplattform zur Verfügung gestellt.
Assessment and permitted materials
Oral exam of approximately 20 minutes about the topics of the lecture (as presented on moodle); from the summer semester 2020 on, students may combine two lectures (basic and advanced course in Sacramental Celebrations) in one oral exam of approximately 30 minutes, each examination date 4 such combined exams will be offered (around lunch time and at the end of the examination day);
the exam is held in German; English and French are possible, when needed; permitted materials are the respective liturgical books, which will be provided by the Department; at least 50 percent of the given answers have to be correct in order to pass the exam.
Bonus points can be acquired through accompanying exercises (e.g. smaller tasks) within the lecture context. They may improve the final grade of the oral exam to a moderate extent. More information will be provided in the first lecture in March.
the exam is held in German; English and French are possible, when needed; permitted materials are the respective liturgical books, which will be provided by the Department; at least 50 percent of the given answers have to be correct in order to pass the exam.
Bonus points can be acquired through accompanying exercises (e.g. smaller tasks) within the lecture context. They may improve the final grade of the oral exam to a moderate extent. More information will be provided in the first lecture in March.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Mindestens 50% der Antworten müssen richtig sein.
Durch Übungen (z.B. kleinere Aufgabenstellungen) im Kontext der Vorlesung können Bonuspunkte erworben werden, die sich bei der mündlichen Prüfung in moderatem Ausmaß auf die Verbesserung der Note auswirken können. Nähere Hinweise dazu gibt es zu Beginn der Vorlesung.
Durch Übungen (z.B. kleinere Aufgabenstellungen) im Kontext der Vorlesung können Bonuspunkte erworben werden, die sich bei der mündlichen Prüfung in moderatem Ausmaß auf die Verbesserung der Note auswirken können. Nähere Hinweise dazu gibt es zu Beginn der Vorlesung.
Last modified: Sa 01.03.2025 00:07