Course Exam
030403 VO International Commercial Arbitration (2019W)
Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit
31.10.19 12:30-14:30 uhr im SEM 61
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 11.10.2019 10:40 to Tu 29.10.2019 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Tu 29.10.2019 23:59
- Alice Fremuth-Wolf
- Florian Haugeneder
- Werner Jahnel
- Paul Oberhammer
- Martin Platte
- Franz Schwarz
- Venus Valentina Wong
Assessment and permitted materials
Course content for the assessment: The topics discussed during the lectures.Course assessment:
Written exam at the end of the course.Type of materials allowed for the exam:
Print-out versions of those laws, conventions and arbitral rules that have been discussed during the lectures.
You might bring the New York Convention, the UNCITRAL Model Law, the IBA Rules, the Geneva Convention as well as any institutional rules that have been mentioned in class (in addition to the VIAC Rules, we would recommend bringing at least the ICC Rules as well). Please note that you are not allowed to write any comments or annotations into the printed-out documents.Course validation:
Passing of the written exam.
Written exam at the end of the course.Type of materials allowed for the exam:
Print-out versions of those laws, conventions and arbitral rules that have been discussed during the lectures.
You might bring the New York Convention, the UNCITRAL Model Law, the IBA Rules, the Geneva Convention as well as any institutional rules that have been mentioned in class (in addition to the VIAC Rules, we would recommend bringing at least the ICC Rules as well). Please note that you are not allowed to write any comments or annotations into the printed-out documents.Course validation:
Passing of the written exam.
Last modified: Fr 06.05.2022 00:15