Course Exam
040022 VO Financial Accounting I (2022W)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from We 01.02.2023 00:01 to Th 16.02.2023 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Fr 17.02.2023 23:59
Examination topics
lecture, moodle
Assessment and permitted materials
written exam, 90 minutes
1 final test, 100%
There will be four examination dates (end of this semester; start, mid and end of the following semester)
You have to register for each single date via u:space.
1 final test, 100%
There will be four examination dates (end of this semester; start, mid and end of the following semester)
You have to register for each single date via u:space.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
- applying accrual accounting
- solving simple evaluation exercises
- understanding the procedures of double-entry bookkeeping
- preparing for the lecture “Bilanzierung”
- understanding the necessity of financial accounting for managerial accounting
- training!!!one final test, grade 4: 50.0%-62.5%, grade 3 63%-75%, grade 2 75.5%-87.5%, grade 1 88%-100%
- solving simple evaluation exercises
- understanding the procedures of double-entry bookkeeping
- preparing for the lecture “Bilanzierung”
- understanding the necessity of financial accounting for managerial accounting
- training!!!one final test, grade 4: 50.0%-62.5%, grade 3 63%-75%, grade 2 75.5%-87.5%, grade 1 88%-100%
Last modified: Mo 30.01.2023 16:28