Course Exam
040058 VO ABWL Management I (2020S)
Examination topics
Lecture and classroom discussions. Supplementary material is provided via the e-learning platform
Students can register themselves for Moodle!
Students can register themselves for Moodle!
Assessment and permitted materials
Please note that to take the exam for this lecture you need to register for the specific exam date (registration to the lecture does not automatically register you to the exam also). Students not registered for the exam cannot be graded!
Please be aware also that there are two different exams for this lecture. One is the regular exam (3 ECTS), the other is the exam for the alternative extension (4 ECTS, and additional examination material). Please make sure that you are registered to the right exam before the registration period is over!
A change in registration ex post is not possible! If you are unsure about which exam you need for your studies please contact your SSC.
Prerequisites to take part in the exams:
regular exam (for BA Bus. Admin/Int. Bus. Admin.): StEOP
MC-exam: PM1 Introduction to Business Administration
Updated exam procedure due to Covid-19 (20.05.2020):
55 multipe choice questions (1 point each)
1 open-ended question (20 points)
Quality control measures to ensure fairness in the exam: Turnitin for submissions + short, oral spotchecks via videoconference.
BE AWARE: Any communication software opened and active during the exam will be treated as an attempt to cheat. Make sure to close any such sofware before starting the exam.65 multipe choice questions (65 points)
1 open-ended question (10 points)Bonus points
*You can earn a maximum of 10 bonus point in the course.
*A maximum 8 points of these can be earned through the 4 online quizzes.
- You will need a Moodle-enabled electronic device to take part in the quizzes
- Dates of the quizzes will be announced on Moodle. The quizzes will be accessible only during the indicated times.
*2 bonus points can be earned through an additional assignment (details to be announced during the lecture)
*You can achieve 100% in the exam, without the bonus points.
*1 bonus point is the equivalent to 1 exam point.
*The bonus points will be valid for the exam at the end of January 2021, and the two following exam dates.The quizzes for the bonus points take place exclusively between the time of 10:00-10:15 on the following dates:
19.06.2020Following this Prof. Vetschera is offering Q&A-sessions from 10:15-11:00 o'clock via Moodle-Chat to answer questions regarding the screencasts.
Please be aware also that there are two different exams for this lecture. One is the regular exam (3 ECTS), the other is the exam for the alternative extension (4 ECTS, and additional examination material). Please make sure that you are registered to the right exam before the registration period is over!
A change in registration ex post is not possible! If you are unsure about which exam you need for your studies please contact your SSC.
Prerequisites to take part in the exams:
regular exam (for BA Bus. Admin/Int. Bus. Admin.): StEOP
MC-exam: PM1 Introduction to Business Administration
Updated exam procedure due to Covid-19 (20.05.2020):
55 multipe choice questions (1 point each)
1 open-ended question (20 points)
Quality control measures to ensure fairness in the exam: Turnitin for submissions + short, oral spotchecks via videoconference.
BE AWARE: Any communication software opened and active during the exam will be treated as an attempt to cheat. Make sure to close any such sofware before starting the exam.
1 open-ended question (10 points)
*You can earn a maximum of 10 bonus point in the course.
*A maximum 8 points of these can be earned through the 4 online quizzes.
- You will need a Moodle-enabled electronic device to take part in the quizzes
- Dates of the quizzes will be announced on Moodle. The quizzes will be accessible only during the indicated times.
*2 bonus points can be earned through an additional assignment (details to be announced during the lecture)
*You can achieve 100% in the exam, without the bonus points.
*1 bonus point is the equivalent to 1 exam point.
*The bonus points will be valid for the exam at the end of January 2021, and the two following exam dates.The quizzes for the bonus points take place exclusively between the time of 10:00-10:15 on the following dates:
19.06.2020Following this Prof. Vetschera is offering Q&A-sessions from 10:15-11:00 o'clock via Moodle-Chat to answer questions regarding the screencasts.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The goal of this course is to provide a thorough introduction into fundamental problems of management, in particular strategy, organizational design and human resource management. The course mainly takes an economic perspective, which is enriched by relevant results of behavioral research. The main focus of the course is on the relationship between strategic behavior of firms, their internal organization structures, and the individual behavior of members of the organization.
Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:12