Course Exam
160107 VO Introduction into Semantics and Pragmatics (2020S)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 19.10.2020 10:00 to Tu 15.12.2020 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Tu 15.12.2020 18:00
Examination topics
the material covered in class and in the accompanying readings (to be specified on the Moodle page)
Assessment and permitted materials
Exam, onlineYou have a total of 90 minutes.
90 minutes after you started the exam (or at the end of the exam time, whichever is earlier) the exam will automatically close without warning.There are 75 questions to answer.The questions are weighted differently, the number of points for each question is given with the question.Partially correct answers can lead to partial points.The exam is open book. But you should be able to answer all questions by heart, i.e. none of the questions require research or reproduction of sources.
90 minutes after you started the exam (or at the end of the exam time, whichever is earlier) the exam will automatically close without warning.There are 75 questions to answer.The questions are weighted differently, the number of points for each question is given with the question.Partially correct answers can lead to partial points.The exam is open book. But you should be able to answer all questions by heart, i.e. none of the questions require research or reproduction of sources.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
control of the material covered in class and in the accompanying readings (to be specified on the Moodle page)Beherrschung des in der LV behandelten Stoffes, inklusive des Stoffes aus der angegebenen Literatur (wird im Moodle angegeben).Grading:
100,00 % - 85,00 % 1
84,99 % - 74,00 % 2
73,99 % - 60,00 % 3
59,99 % - 46,00 % 4
45,99 % - 0,00 % 5
100,00 % - 85,00 % 1
84,99 % - 74,00 % 2
73,99 % - 60,00 % 3
59,99 % - 46,00 % 4
45,99 % - 0,00 % 5
Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:17