Course Exam
230060 VO Structure and Development of Contemporary Society (2022S)
Die Bearbeitungszeit ("netto") für die Fragestellung kann kürzer sein als der angegebene Zeitraum. Vierter Termin: Zur Vereinfachung der Prüfungsadministration ersuchen wir um Anmeldung beim ersten Prüfungstermin der gleichartigen Lehrveranstaltung des Wintersemesters 2022.
Prüfungsmodus und Prüfungsstoff sind gleich. Melden Sie sich bitte rechtzeitig an und kontaktieren Sie im Fall von Anmeldeproblemen spl.soziologie[at] vor(!) dem Ende der Anmeldefrist. Nachmeldungen werden nicht vorgenommen. Viel Erfolg bei der Prüfung!
Prüfungsmodus und Prüfungsstoff sind gleich. Melden Sie sich bitte rechtzeitig an und kontaktieren Sie im Fall von Anmeldeproblemen spl.soziologie[at] vor(!) dem Ende der Anmeldefrist. Nachmeldungen werden nicht vorgenommen. Viel Erfolg bei der Prüfung!
Examination topics
Content of the lectures as well as required reading for each lecture; lecture slides, readings and other materials will be made available on the Moodle learning platform.
Assessment and permitted materials
A written multiple-choice exam at the end of the semester. The exam will take place online ("digital"). All further detail will be provided on the Moodle platform.
Students are allowed to use a dictionary, otherwise no aids are permitted.Please note: Any attempt to cheat in the exam will be recorded and count as taking the exam.Fourth examination date (repeat examination by the board of examiners): in the case of a fourth examination date, a personal registration at the Office of Student Services for Sociology is required at least one week before the examination date. Further information on re-examinations is available on the departmental website.
Students are allowed to use a dictionary, otherwise no aids are permitted.Please note: Any attempt to cheat in the exam will be recorded and count as taking the exam.Fourth examination date (repeat examination by the board of examiners): in the case of a fourth examination date, a personal registration at the Office of Student Services for Sociology is required at least one week before the examination date. Further information on re-examinations is available on the departmental website.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
A minimum requirement of at least 50 points is required to pass the exam and with that, the course.Grading scale:
very good 87,5% - 100
good 75% - 87,49%
satisfactory 62,5% - 74,99%
pass 50% - 62,49%
fail 0% - 49,99%
very good 87,5% - 100
good 75% - 87,49%
satisfactory 62,5% - 74,99%
pass 50% - 62,49%
fail 0% - 49,99%
Last modified: Th 11.05.2023 11:28