Universität Wien
Course Exam

230061 KU Introduction to Economics (2010W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 23 - Soziologie

Tuesday 28.02.2012



Examination topics

Teaching consists of one unbroken 90 minute seminar weekly. Students are required to read and prepare the literature provided for every meeting and on that basis to contribute in a lively and provocative manner to discussions at all classes.

Assessment and permitted materials

Students are required to read and prepare the literature provided for every meeting and on that basis to contribute in a lively and provocative manner to discussions at all classes. They also have to pass two written tests, i.e. a midtermtest (microeconomics) and an endtest (macroeconomics)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Introduction to some basic principles of economics

Last modified: We 03.11.2021 00:22