Course Exam
250171 VO School mathematics stochastics (2023S)
The colloquium starts at 16.45 and it lasts until 18.15. Seven tasks will be set. Take a ruler with you!
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Sa 02.09.2023 00:00 to We 18.10.2023 23:59
- Deregistration possible until We 18.10.2023 23:59
Examination topics
Descriptive statistics: mean values and spreads, describing data, contingency tablesProbability theory: conceptions of probability, conditional probability, independence, binomial distribution as test distribution, normal distribution only for approximation, range of variation, birthday problemInference statistics: confidence intervals, hypothesis testing for proportions
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment: written colloquia. The duration is 90 minutes.Permitted materials: calculator (GTR), CAS, spreadsheet, possibly tables of normal distribution.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirements: for a positive overall assessment, more than half of the colloquium tasks must be assessed positively. The number of tasks is odd, the median of the partial performances gives the overall grade.Assessment criteria: A performance is to assess with "Genügend", if the student mostly complies with the requirements of the colloquium concerning comprehension and applications.
Last modified: Fr 27.10.2023 09:27