Universität Wien
Course Exam

270028 VO Organic Heteroatom Chemistry (2024S)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie

Monday 27.05.2024



Examination topics

For the "Heteroatom Chemistry" course, the preparation for the final written exam entails a thorough understanding and review of all the course materials covered during the lectures.

Assessment and permitted materials

In the "Heteroatom Chemistry" course, assessment of student learning will be conducted through a comprehensive two-hour written exam at the end of the course. This exam is designed to evaluate students' mastery of the course material, their ability to integrate and apply heteroatom chemistry principles, and their problem-solving skills in theoretical contexts. The exam will cover all topics discussed during the course, with questions formatted as a mix of short answer, mechanistic, synthetic and essay questions, that require analytical and critical thinking.

Assessment Requirements:

Final Written Exam: The two-hour written exam will be the sole component of assessment for this course. It will comprehensively cover the course content, including the properties and behaviors of heteroatoms, their roles in various chemical compounds, synthetic strategies, and applications in real-world contexts. The exam will test students on their ability to understand key concepts, apply theoretical knowledge to problem-solving, and articulate their understanding clearly and concisely.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The exam will be graded on the basis of total points earned out of the total points possible. The allocation of points for each question or section will be clearly indicated on the exam paper, allowing students to manage their time effectively and prioritize their responses.
Typical key, for a total of 200 points:
<100 points, Grade 5
100-124 Points, Grade 4
125-154 Points, Grande 3
155-179 points, Grade 2
> 180 Points, Grade 1

Last modified: Tu 28.05.2024 15:06