Course Exam
270108 VO Analytical Chemistry II (2018W)
9-12:30, HS 1
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 17.09.2018 15:00 to Mo 25.02.2019 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Mo 25.02.2019 23:59
Examination topics
Lecture based on PowerPoint-Presentations.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written exam. You need to obtain at least half the points that can be reached (36 out of 72 grading points) to pass. Each teacher prepares a questionnaire based on 24 grading points. To pass the exam you have to reach at least 10 points in each part.
Tests are graded based on the following rukes:
63,0-72,0 points --> sehr gut
54,0-62,5 points --> gut
45,0-53,5 points --> befriedigend
36,0-44,5 points --> genügend
00,0-35,5 points --> nicht genügendDe number of points to be reached for each question varies between tests, but is always given on the papers distributed.
Tests are graded based on the following rukes:
63,0-72,0 points --> sehr gut
54,0-62,5 points --> gut
45,0-53,5 points --> befriedigend
36,0-44,5 points --> genügend
00,0-35,5 points --> nicht genügendDe number of points to be reached for each question varies between tests, but is always given on the papers distributed.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Theoretical fundamentals and applications of spectrometric methodsAims: Introduction into fundamentals of high performance separation methods, especially chromatography and electrophoresisAims: Discussion of fundamentals of mass spectrometry, comprising physical aspects of measurements (ionization, mass analysis) as well as chemical information in the spectra.
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:41