Course Exam
270124 VO Coordination Chemistry (2021S)
29.06.2022, 10:30-12:30 Uhr, 1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 42, Seminarraum 4
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 10.06.2022 17:00 to Mo 27.06.2022 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Mo 27.06.2022 23:59
Examination topics
Content of this lecture course (vide supra)
Assessment and permitted materials
The students should understand the notion of energy term. They should be able to derive energy terms for all electronic configurations from d1 to d10 and to determine the ground term. They have to be able to interpret and apply the Hund's rules, to understand the origin of splitting of energy levels in free atoms and ions, to be able to calculate spin-orbital coupling parameters for different ground states. The students should know how to describe the symmetry of particular molecule, to understand the term point group, and be able to determine the point group of any molecule.
They should understand the definition of a mathematical group and its properties, to know what mathematical representations mean and how these knowledge can be applied in chemistry for resolving particular tasks. They have to be able to understand the layout of a character table and use it for analysis of molecular vibrations and bonding in molecules. The effect of coordination environment on term splitting should be understood and described when necessary. The students should know how to use the Tanabe-Sugano diagrams for interpretation of electronic absorption spectra of transition metal complexes.
At exams the students can use the Diagram for Determination of Point Group According to Schönflies, the collection of Character tables, Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.
They should understand the definition of a mathematical group and its properties, to know what mathematical representations mean and how these knowledge can be applied in chemistry for resolving particular tasks. They have to be able to understand the layout of a character table and use it for analysis of molecular vibrations and bonding in molecules. The effect of coordination environment on term splitting should be understood and described when necessary. The students should know how to use the Tanabe-Sugano diagrams for interpretation of electronic absorption spectra of transition metal complexes.
At exams the students can use the Diagram for Determination of Point Group According to Schönflies, the collection of Character tables, Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Students get knowledge about electronic structure of metal complexes. They will be able to correlate energy levels and electronic spectra, to interpret simple electronic spectra and magnetic behaviour of metal complexes and to apply the fundamentals of group theory for explanation of term splitting in ligand fields of different symmetry.
Last modified: Fr 10.06.2022 15:49