Course Exam
270161 VO Organometallic Catalysis I (2023W)
Examination topics
All topics discussed during the lecture and chapters 3–8, 10, 12 & 13 of the text book "Organometallic Chemistry" von Spessard & Miessler are relevant to the examination.
Assessment and permitted materials
Oral examination (60 min), by appointmentminimum requirement:
In order to pass the exam, the student should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the discussed principles for the synthesis and reactivity of organometallic compounds and their elementary reaction steps.
In order to pass the exam, the student should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the discussed principles for the synthesis and reactivity of organometallic compounds and their elementary reaction steps.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis. Recommended for Master, diploma and PhD students (Wahlfachmodul 1.6, Organic Chemistry, Modul OC-4)
Last modified: Tu 02.07.2024 14:26