Universität Wien
Course Exam

280317 VO PM-Math-4 VO Mathematical Methods in Physics I (NPI) (2022S)


Monday 28.11.2022


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Topics covered in the course. An overview will be presented in the first lecture.

Assessment and permitted materials

At the end of the semester (End of June) there is a oral examination on the contents of the course.

Grading scheme:

0-49.9%: 5

50-62.49%: 4

62.50-74.99%: 3

75.00-87.49%: 2

87.50%-100%: 1

Examination dates:
1) 28.06.2022
2) 19.09.2022
3) 28.11.2022
4) 16.01.2023

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Acquisition and consolidation of the mathematical foundations discussed in the course.

Last modified: Th 31.10.2024 00:16