Universität Wien
Course Exam

280386 VO Radarmeteorology (2022W)


Wednesday 08.02.2023
oral online exam starting 14:00, 30 minutes each

no documents or records, calculator allowed


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

electromagnetic waves, technique, basics of scattering and propagation, radar equation, estimation of precipitation, Doppler radar and estimation of wind field, polarimetric radar, quantitiative estimation of precipitation and classification of hydrometeors

Assessment and permitted materials

oral online exam, date to be discussed during the course
no documents or records, calculator allowed

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Es müssen 50% der Gesamtpunktezahl für eine positive Beurteilung erreicht werden.
Notenschlüssel: NGD5 < 50% <= GEN4 < 64% <= BEF3 < 76% <= GUT2 < 88% <= SGT1

Last modified: We 25.01.2023 15:29