Course Exam
300024 VO Concepts in Ecology (2023W)
Concepts in Ecology
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 15.04.2024 08:00 to Mo 13.05.2024 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Tu 14.05.2024 12:00
Examination topics
Contents of lectures
Assessment and permitted materials
Examination in writing, 7 (open) questions. During the exam no further materials may be used, such as personal notes, literature, or electronic devices.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
7 questions need to be answered, each correct answer is worth 3 or 4 points.
Min. 12 points or 48 % of the max. points archivable must be scored to pass the exam.Grading scale: max. points archivable: 25;
25-22 excellent; 22-19: good; 18.5- 15.5: satisfactory; 15-12: sufficient; <12: insufficient.
Min. 12 points or 48 % of the max. points archivable must be scored to pass the exam.Grading scale: max. points archivable: 25;
25-22 excellent; 22-19: good; 18.5- 15.5: satisfactory; 15-12: sufficient; <12: insufficient.
Last modified: Mo 22.01.2024 12:06