Course Exam
300058 VO Urban Ecology (2022W)
Der Termin vor Weihnachten wurde stets gerne wahrgenommen, wahrscheinlich um den Prüfungsstress am Semesterende zu vermindern. Ich biete auch heuer wieder diese Möglichkeit an. Der Prüfungsstoff ist für diesen Termin (und NUR für diesen Termin) ausnahmsweise auf die bis dahin vorgetragenen respektive zur Verfügung gestellten Lehrveranstaltungsinhalte beschränkt.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from We 16.11.2022 08:00 to Th 15.12.2022 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 15.12.2022 12:00
Examination topics
Power point presentations, partially in English, will be made available after each lecture.
Discussions after lectures possible
Discussions after lectures possible
Assessment and permitted materials
written examination (open-book)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The lecture was primarily developed for students of biology but is expected to be understood by students of all other branches.
Learning outcomes: Students have a broad knowledge of urban ecology and its numerous topics
Learning outcomes: Students have a broad knowledge of urban ecology and its numerous topics
Last modified: Th 11.05.2023 11:28