Course Exam
300385 VO Human Anatomy - Osteology and Arthrology (2019W)
Einführung in die Anatomie des Menschen
15.45–17.15, lecture hall 1, UZA 1 (Biozentrum), ground floor, room 1.008A
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from We 16.10.2019 16:04 to Mo 11.11.2019 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Mo 11.11.2019 12:00
Examination topics
Uploaded files available on moodle
- the uploaded scripts are NOT identic with those from last year!!!
- scripts might be updated continuouslyProcedure of exam:
- "open" questions plus figures that have to be labelled
- no multiple choice questions!
- latin terms must be used!
- the uploaded scripts are NOT identic with those from last year!!!
- scripts might be updated continuouslyProcedure of exam:
- "open" questions plus figures that have to be labelled
- no multiple choice questions!
- latin terms must be used!
Assessment and permitted materials
- exam in written form (duration 1 h 30 min)
- registration for the exam via UNIVIS exclusively!
- registration: before the 4th exam until June 8th (until 12 a.m.)
- deregistration: before the 4th exam shortly before the beginning
of the exam
- don´t forget your student card to verify your identity!
- registration for the exam via UNIVIS exclusively!
- registration: before the 4th exam until June 8th (until 12 a.m.)
- deregistration: before the 4th exam shortly before the beginning
of the exam
- don´t forget your student card to verify your identity!
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
50,1 % = 4
62,5 % = 3
75 % = 2
87,5 % = 1
62,5 % = 3
75 % = 2
87,5 % = 1
Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:26