Course Exam
301322 VO Neurobiology (2021S)
1)13.15 Uhr HS D/Campus, Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Wien
2) Erlaubte Gegenstände sind E-Mail, neg. Covid-Test, Maske, Ausweis, Getränk, Schreibutensilien.
3) Desinfektionsmittel bitte selbst mitbringen,um den Arbeitsplatz vor und danach zu reinigen!
2) Erlaubte Gegenstände sind E-Mail, neg. Covid-Test, Maske, Ausweis, Getränk, Schreibutensilien.
3) Desinfektionsmittel bitte selbst mitbringen,um den Arbeitsplatz vor und danach zu reinigen!
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 01.03.2021 09:00 to Th 27.05.2021 09:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 27.05.2021 09:00
Examination topics
Teaching material on Moodle
Assessment and permitted materials
Written exam
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
For the participation no neurobiological basic knowledge is necessary!
Examination: A maximum of 26 points is achievable (8 short questions for 2 points each, 2 long questions for 5 points each).
The short questions can also be multiple choice questions. Also several several answers can be correct in the multiple choice questions. Only if all correct answers are crossed the answer is worth 2 points. One wrong answer crossed gives a reduction of 1 point. Two wrong answer crossed gives a reduction of 2 point. However, the question can only give 0 - 0.5 -1 - 1.5 - 2 points. All questions (short and long questions) are evaluated in 0.5 point steps.
Key of evaluation
0-13 points = (5) not sufficient;
13,5-17 points = (4) sufficiant;
17,5-20 points = (3) satisfactory;
20,5-23 points = (2) good;
23,5-26 points = (1) very good
Examination: A maximum of 26 points is achievable (8 short questions for 2 points each, 2 long questions for 5 points each).
The short questions can also be multiple choice questions. Also several several answers can be correct in the multiple choice questions. Only if all correct answers are crossed the answer is worth 2 points. One wrong answer crossed gives a reduction of 1 point. Two wrong answer crossed gives a reduction of 2 point. However, the question can only give 0 - 0.5 -1 - 1.5 - 2 points. All questions (short and long questions) are evaluated in 0.5 point steps.
Key of evaluation
0-13 points = (5) not sufficient;
13,5-17 points = (4) sufficiant;
17,5-20 points = (3) satisfactory;
20,5-23 points = (2) good;
23,5-26 points = (1) very good
Last modified: We 20.10.2021 14:49