Universität Wien
Course Exam

301586 VO Translation in EukaryotesII (2021S)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

Sunday 05.12.2021



Examination topics

Powerpoint presentation, lecture in German or English (on demand), slides in English
material will be made available as PDF online at
shortly before the lecture

Assessment and permitted materials

single written exam at the end of semester or beginning of the following, thereafter oral exams, date on demand

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Transkriptionskontrolle und Proteinphosphorylierung sind nicht alles, was entscheidend zum Phänotyp einer Zelle beiträgt, q.e.d. (= was gezeigt werden kann)

Last modified: Tu 07.12.2021 09:29