Universität Wien
Course Exam

321027 VO Hygienics, Microbiology and Infectiology - B14 (2021S)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 32 - Pharmazie

Wednesday 12.01.2022
Dieser Termin wird online abgehalten. Die Zeiteinteilung erhalten Sie bis spätestens einen Tag vor der Prüfung per E-Mail.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Contents of the lecture

Assessment and permitted materials

The aim of this lecture is to inform the students about the development of infectious diseases, infectious germs, infectious sources, transmisson of diseases and treatment of diseases. Especially the infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and the microbiological basics are taught.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Oral exam, 3 questions, each question has to be answered to at least 50 percent.

As long as the university is not open for students without restrictions, the examination will take place online via video conference. More detailed information can be found on u:space when registering for the examination date.

Last modified: Th 24.03.2022 13:30