Course Exam
330048 VO Organic chemistry (2016S)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 10.10.2016 10:00 to Tu 08.11.2016 10:00
- Deregistration possible until Tu 08.11.2016 10:00
Examination topics
lecture, power-point presentations, supporting materials and exercises available via Moodle
Assessment and permitted materials
Final written exam in German language, 90 min (multiple choice);
no supporting resources allowed / necessary
no supporting resources allowed / necessary
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirements: at least 60% of maximum points.The final written exam (multiple choice) consists of 30 questions, for each
question a maximum of 1 point can be obtained; the maximum amount of points is therefore 30 points.Grades:
< 60 % of maximum points correlates with grade 5
60 % - < 70 % of maximum points correlates with grade 4
70 % - < 80 % of maximum points correlates with grade 3
80 % - < 90 % of maximum points correlates with grade 2
90 % - 100 % of maximum points correlates with grade 1
question a maximum of 1 point can be obtained; the maximum amount of points is therefore 30 points.Grades:
< 60 % of maximum points correlates with grade 5
60 % - < 70 % of maximum points correlates with grade 4
70 % - < 80 % of maximum points correlates with grade 3
80 % - < 90 % of maximum points correlates with grade 2
90 % - 100 % of maximum points correlates with grade 1
Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:27