Universität Wien
Course Exam

330049 VO Food Technology (2020W)

Chemical Food Technology and Physical Techniques of Food Processing


Tuesday 18.05.2021
Die Prüfung wird im online Modus abgehalten. Weitere detaillierte Informationen werden den Studierenden vom Prüfer in Moodle, u-Space/u---find kommuniziert


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Relevant for the examination are the remarks in the lecture and the Content of the downlodable documents.
Downloadable documents are located on the central learning platform.

Assessment and permitted materials

The exams will take place digitally in the winter semester 2020/21 in open book format.

Written examination
The questions are asked in German. The written answers to the questions can be made in English or German.
There are no auxiliary materials allowed during the test.

Update because of Covid-19 from 29.04.2020:
The exam is held in online mode:
Written digital exam with open questions using an exam sheet for download.
The exam material is identical to that of the normal written exam. The number of questions (6) and the assessment criteria remain the same.
In contrast to the normal written exam, all aids are allowed in the digital written exam. The questions are therefore formulated in such a way that not only factual knowledge is in the foreground, but the focus is placed on understanding the relationships and backgrounds.
The time interval for answering the questions is therefore extended from 60 min to 90 min.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

6 open questions - pro question is a maximum of 5 Points.
Achievable Maximum number of Points : 30
26.5 to 30 pts.: Very good
22.5 to 26 pts.: Good
18.5 to 22 pts.: Satisfying
15.5 to 18 pts.: Enough
not enough under 15.0 pts.

Update because of Covid-19 from 29.04.2020:
The content of the exam is identical to the normal written examination. The number of questions (6) and the assessment criteria also remain the same.

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:24