Universität Wien
Course Exam

480046 VO Older Slovenian Literature: An Overview (2016W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 48 - Slawistik

Thursday 02.03.2017 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum 2 Slawistik UniCampus Hof 3 2R-EG-26


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Der in der LV bearbeitete Stoff .

Assessment and permitted materials

Schriftliche Prüfung.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Erwerb der Grundkenntnisse über die ältere slowenische Literatur.
Schriftliche Prüfung.

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:47