Module Exam
STEOP: Subject-Specific Introduction (2022W)
9.00 ECTS, SPL 24 - Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 13.02.2023 00:01 to Mo 06.03.2023 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Tu 07.03.2023 23:59
Examination topics
Read and prepare the whole book:
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2015): Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. London, Pluto (3rd or 4th edition)
Available for free and online via the university's library search, u:search; OR in the Facultas shop: and up-to-date information will be communicuted via the online teaching platform Moodle for "240002 VO STEOP: Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (2022W)" (German preparatory course for Bachelor students). Feel free to use the self-inscription button to enter the platform: email the student assistant Julia ( using your Uni Vienna email address ( if you choose the English assessment or if you have any questions.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2015): Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. London, Pluto (3rd or 4th edition)
Available for free and online via the university's library search, u:search; OR in the Facultas shop: and up-to-date information will be communicuted via the online teaching platform Moodle for "240002 VO STEOP: Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology (2022W)" (German preparatory course for Bachelor students). Feel free to use the self-inscription button to enter the platform: email the student assistant Julia ( using your Uni Vienna email address ( if you choose the English assessment or if you have any questions.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written exam AND paper submission!Exam (3 open questions) and paper submission via Moodle platform.
- Paper: submit to a folder on Moodle BEFORE taking the exam. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden (see below).
- Exam: You will receive a sheet with three open questions – please write your answers (in whole sentences!) within 90 minutes.
- Paper: submit to a folder on Moodle BEFORE taking the exam. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden (see below).
- Exam: You will receive a sheet with three open questions – please write your answers (in whole sentences!) within 90 minutes.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
100% to 87% = Sehr gut (1, Excellent)
86,99% to 75,00 % = Gut (2, Good)
74,99 % to 63,00 % = Befriedigend (3, Satisfactory)
62,99 % to 50, 00% = Genügend (4, Sufficient)
less or equal 49,99% = Nicht genügend (5, Unsatisfactory/ Fail)Paper and exam must be passed in order to pass the overall evaluation!Plagiarism: The lectureres can invite students to discuss one or more parts of the examination if necessary. Your paper and exam response will be automatically checked for plagiarism with the software Turnitin.
Before submission you might be asked to agree to an anonymised data transfer. If so, you are required to agree, otherwise you will not be able to submit your work.
100% to 87% = Sehr gut (1, Excellent)
86,99% to 75,00 % = Gut (2, Good)
74,99 % to 63,00 % = Befriedigend (3, Satisfactory)
62,99 % to 50, 00% = Genügend (4, Sufficient)
less or equal 49,99% = Nicht genügend (5, Unsatisfactory/ Fail)Paper and exam must be passed in order to pass the overall evaluation!Plagiarism: The lectureres can invite students to discuss one or more parts of the examination if necessary. Your paper and exam response will be automatically checked for plagiarism with the software Turnitin.
Before submission you might be asked to agree to an anonymised data transfer. If so, you are required to agree, otherwise you will not be able to submit your work.
Last modified: Th 13.03.2025 20:11