Universität Wien
Course Exam

300223 VO Methods of population analysis II: multivariat analysis methods (2016S)

Multiple regression and correlationmodels; linear and nonlinear models; metaanalysis

4.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

Monday 11.07.2016



Examination topics

Prüfung Prof. Fiedler: Anforderungen an Datenmaterial für Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen; bivariate Korrelationsmethoden (nach Pearson & Spearman); einfache lineare Regression; multiple lineare Regression; allgemeine lineare Modelle (GLMs); logistische Regression; Auswahl relevanter Parameter bzw. Modelle in multivariaten Situationen; Grundlagen der Metaanalyse

Assessment and permitted materials

Writing test to the in the lectures demonstrated mathematical and statistical methods.
Use electric calculator is permit, however the use of handiys, laptops or similar apparats with access in internet or telefon nets

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Prüfungsumfang: 6 Fragen zu je 5 Punkten, Summe: 30 Punkte
Bewertungsschlüssel: Note 1: 87.5-100% der Punkte; Note 2: 75-87.5%; Note 3: 62.5-75%; Note 4: 50-62.5%; Note 5: <50%

Last modified: Fr 01.10.2021 00:25