Universität Wien
Course Exam

010075 VO Advanced Course Old Testament II (2017S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie

Wednesday 15.05.2019



Examination topics

All biblical books and texts discussed in class as well as sections from the English course books.

Assessment and permitted materials

- Written exam of 40 minutes about the topics of the lecture.
- No permitted materials.
- The written exam is held in German. Students with a different mother tongue can arrange for an oral exam in English or French with the instructor.
- Rating scale in points: 20-19 Sehr gut (A); 18-16 Gut (B); 15-13 Befriedigend (C); 12-10 Genügend (D); 9-0 Nicht genügend (F).
- Two bonus point can be achieved by completing the voluntary task (memorizing a text).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

- First possible exam date is the [?]; for further exam dates see bibelwissenschaft-ktf.univie.ac.at/studium/pruefungstermine.

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:27