Universität Wien
Course Exam

300452 VO Multivariate statistical methods in ecology (2020S)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

Thursday 27.08.2020 14:00 - 15:30 Digital
Depending on my capacities to become moodle-savvy in the remaining time, the exam will either be held through moodle, or, in case I fail in implementing a moodle-based exam as previously explained by email:
1. The exam will last from 1400 sharp until 1505.
2. The exam will cover theoretical background but you will also be tasked with developing a statistical testing framework for hypothetical testing scenarios.
3. The exam will be open-book to a certain degree, but do not depend on that. Rather engage in thought experiments on how to deal with different data sets.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

The course is scheduled as one block in March 9-13 2020 (Mo-Fr), mornings. The lecture should be attended in combination with the practical course (UE) with the same title and taking place in the same period in the afternoons. A course handout will be provided, entailing minimum knowledge for the written exam.

Assessment and permitted materials

Presence throughout the course is not necessary, but strongly recommended to allow following the practical courses in the afternoons. The lecture mark is based on a written examination that can be taken on March 13 (in the last lecture), or on an alternative date in June 2020 or – if necessary – in October 2020. No materials are permitted during examination.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Successful participants will gain a working understanding of the mathematical and computational mechanics behind the most commonly used statistical methods in ecology. They will understand how to interpret graphical and tabular output from univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses of ecological datasets as presented in scientific papers and reports. The lecture also explains backgrounds of statistical thinking, hypothesis testing, study planning and experimental design.
The written exam will focus on these aspects, and a total of 10 points may be awarded, where the following total points correspond to grades 5-1: 0-5 points = 5, 6-7 = 4, 7-8 = 3, 8-9 = 2, 9-10 = 1.

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:23