Universität Wien
Course Exam

200019 VO Clinical Psychology (2021W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 20 - Psychologie

Friday 25.03.2022 14:00 - 15:00 Digital


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Content of the lecture, whether read in lecture or not. Operationalized via slides, streams and exam literature.
The additional materials for consolidating provided in Moodle will not be examined.
For Erasmus-students the following chapters are exam-materlial for the oral exam (book see below):
- Chapter 2: A history of Clinical Psychology
- Chapter 4: Research methods in Clinical Psychology
- Chapter 5: Evidence-based assessment
- Chapter 6: School of psychotherapy and the beginning ...
- Chapter 13: Diagnoses, dimensions, and DSM-5
- Chapter 14: The Anxiety-depression spectrum
- Chapter 16: The obsessive-compuslive disorder spectrum
- Chapter 18: Trauma, dissociation, and posttraumatic stress disorder
- Chapter 24: The spectrum of personality disorders
- Chapter 39: The future of Clinical Psychology ...

Assessment and permitted materials

Standard: Written exam on the material of the VO in German language.
At the beginning of the semester, online exams are still assumed due to Corona; however, depending on the pandemic situation, exams in face-to-face mode could also be offered.

For Erasmus students, oral exams will be offered in single dates towards the end of the semester.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Online mode:
- 14 multiple choice (MC) questions with 5 answer alternatives +
- 2 short vignettes + 3 MC-questions each with 5 answer alternatives = 6 MC-questions => Total: 20 MC-questions
- For each question 1-4 answers can be correct.
- The number of correct answers is not given.
- If the answer is completely correct (=all correct alternatives are marked), you get 1 point.
- If the answer is partially correct, partial points are awarded (0.25 per correct partial answer).
- Wrong answers are not scored and result in 0 points - there are no deductions for wrong answers.
- All points and partial points are added up. For a positive grade, 60% of the possible points must be achieved (i.e. 12 of the 20 points).
Attendance mode:
- 30 multiple-choice questions with 5 alternative answers.
- For each question, 1-4 answers can be correct.
- The number of correct answers is not specified.
- If the question is answered completely correctly (=all correct alternatives are marked), this results in 1 point.
- If the answer is partially correct, partial points are awarded (0.25 per correct partial answer).
- Wrong answers are not scored and result in 0 points - there are no deductions for wrong answers.
- All points and partial points are added up. For a positive grade, 60% of the possible points must be achieved (i.e. 18 of the 30 points).

Oral examinations are held on the basis of the material specified in the next section (Prüfungsstoff). In the case of an oral exam 67% of the questions must be answered correct to get a positive grade.

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:19