Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Jörg Menche
- Mail: joerg.menche@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-74370
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 250116 VO Introduction to complex network analysis
- 301801 SE MPM 1 - Seminar Series 1: Journal Club (advances in basic research)
- 301872 PR Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Machines: From Structure to Function"
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 053531 PR Software development project in bioinformatics
- 250116 VO Introduction to complex network analysis
- 250117 PS Introduction to complex network analysis
- 301350 VO Quantitative methods in molekularbiology
- 301351 UE UE to Quantitative Methods in molekularbiology
- 301400 VU Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
- 301553 PP Advanced course in microbiology and genetics/Immunbiology and bioinformatics
- 301800 VO MPM 1 - Lecture Course: Fundamentals of DNA replication and sources of DNA damage, - including defective DNA repair mechanisms, in the context of signature diseases
- 301801 SE MPM 1 - Seminar Series 1: Journal Club (advances in basic research)
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 250105 SE Complex Network Analysis Project
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 053531 PR Software development project in bioinformatics
- 250116 VO Introduction to complex network analysis
- 250117 PS Introduction to complex network analysis
- 301400 VU Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
- 301800 VO MPM 1 - Lecture Course: Fundamentals of DNA replication and sources of DNA damage, - including defective DNA repair mechanisms, in the context of signature diseases
- 301801 SE MPM 1 - Seminar Series 1: Journal Club (advances in basic research)
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 560010 SE DK SMICH Research Club - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 250105 SE Complex Network Analysis Project
- 269020 VO Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 560010 SE DK SMICH Research Club - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 053531 PR Software development project in bioinformatics
- 250116 VO Introduction to complex network analysis
- 250117 PS Introduction to complex network analysis
- 560008 VO+SE Basic Introductory Course - - Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 269020 VO Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 560009 SE DK SMICH Work in Progress - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 560010 SE DK SMICH Research Club - Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
- 269020 VO Computational Concepts in Biology II
Last modified: Tu 18.02.2025 08:40