Mag. Dr. Stefan Heinisch
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350153 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation
- 350528 UE BP3III - Games in Sports Volleyball
- 350118 UE BP3III - Games in Sports Volleyball
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350210 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350153 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation
- 350528 UE BP3III - Games in Sports Volleyball
- 350118 UE BP3III - Games in Sports Volleyball
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350210 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350153 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation
- 350528 UE BP3III - Games in Sports Volleyball
- 350033 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating
- 350033 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350033 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350033 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350543 UE BP2I - Instructing and Arranging Sports and Exercise - (= Bakk. Modul BP2II)
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350228 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350076 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350179 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 2: Multi-Perspective Approach, Reflecting and Evaluating - (= Schulpraktische Studien 3)
- 350187 VU Developing Comprehensive Ball Game Skills: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV spielorientierter BWH)
- 350215 UE BP2II - Instructing and Arranging Sports and Exercise
- 350194 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 3: Topic-Oriented and Differentiated Arrangement and Evaluation - (= Schulpraktische Studien 4)
- 350228 UE BP2II - Instructing and Arranging Sports and Exercise
- 350100 UE Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH: Volleyball)
- 350142 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350125 UE Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH Volleyball)
- 350177 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350100 UE Check games: Didactic Concepts - (= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH: Volleyball)
- 350142 VU Studies on Teaching Practice 1: Observing, Planning, Implementing and Analysing - (= Schulpraktische Studien 1 + 2)
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350177 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 490058 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 350142 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350164 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 490058 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350177 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 2: Realisation and Reflection
- 190233 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 190376 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 350142 VU Studies in Applied Didactics 1: Planning and Arranging
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 190376 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 190376 PS Professionalization in school teacher education
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 190376 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350162 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350508 PLV BP2III - PC Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 190376 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 190376 PS Introductory Phase - Introductory Seminar
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350508 PLV BP2III - PC Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350528 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball
- 350013 PLV BP2III - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 350615 VLV BA3III - Deepening Course Quantitative Research Methods
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350508 PLV BP2III - PC Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350528 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 350545 PLV BP2II - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Instructing and Arranging
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach sport game-oriented acts of movement - volleyball
- 350508 PLV BP2III - PC Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350528 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball
- 350208 UE Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 350545 UE BP2II - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Instructing and Arranging
- 350125 UE Learning, Practising and Learning How to Teach Sport Game-Oriented Acts of Movement: Volleyball
- 350508 UE BP2III - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350528 UE BP3III - Practical Course Game Sport
- 350208 UE Learn, Practising and teach game-oriented - Learning, Practising and Learning how to teach game-oriented acts of movement
- 350545 UE BP2II - Practical Course Sport Didactics - BP2II - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Instructing and Arranging
- 350548 UE BP2III - Practical Course Sport Did. Realisation - BP2III - Practical Course Sport Didactics - Realisation
- 350125 UE Lernen,Üben u.Verm.Ler.sportspielor.BWH,VB,Abt.A - Lernen, Üben und Vermitteln-Lernen sportspielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball, Abt. A
- 350509 UE BP2III - Spiele Durchführen - Abt. A - BP2III - Spiele Durchführen - Abt. A
- 350528 UE BP3III - Spielorient. Bewegungshand.Volleyb.Abt.A - BP3III - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball - Abt.A
- 350028 VU Spielor.Beweg.handlungen: Volleyball,Abt.A - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball, Abt. A
- 350125 UE Lernen,Üben u.Verm.Ler.sportspielor.BWH,VB,Abt.A - Lernen, Üben und Vermitteln-Lernen sportspielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball, Abt. A
- 695423 VU Spielor.Bew.handlungen 2: Volleyball,Abt.C - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 2: Volleyball, Abt. C
- 693818 VU Spielor.Beweg.handlungen: Volleyball,Abt.B - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball, Abt. B
- 695510 UE Lernen,Üben u.Verm.Ler.sportspielor.BH2,Abt.B,VB - Lernen, Üben und Vermitteln-Lernen sportspielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 2, Abt. B, Volleyball
- 695981 UE Spielorientierte Bewe.handlungen:Volleyball,Abt.A - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen: Volleyball, Abt. A
- 695423 VU Spielor.Bew.handlungen 2: Volleyball,Abt.C - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 2: Volleyball, Abt. C
- 693818 VU Spielor.Beweg.handlungen 2: Volleyball,Abt.B - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 2: Volleyball, Abt. B
- 695510 UE Lernen,Üben u.Verm.Lernen spielor.BH,Abt.B,VB - Lernen,Üben und Vermitteln Lernen spielorientierter Bewegungshandlungen ,Abt. B,Volleyball
- 695981 UE Spielorientiere BWH 2,Abt.D,Volleyball - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 2, Abt. D, Volleyball
- 693818 VO Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen - Spielorientierte Bewegungshandlungen 1: Volleyball
- 613161 VO Ökologie und Sport - Ökologie und Sport
- 613161 VO Ökologie und Sport - Ökologie und Sport
- 613161 VO Ökologie und Sport - Ökologie und Sport
- 613102 VO Sport und Ökologie - Sport und Ökologie
Last modified: Sa 23.11.2024 05:00