Universität Wien

Dr. Liza Wing Man Kam, BA MA

Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris


Teaching (iCal)

150073 SE Hong Kong 101 - the (post)colonial City, its cultures and the making-of
150092 UE Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Tracing the colonisers: Postcolonial built environments in visuals and narratives in the Sinophone world
150084 SE Urban Life and Urban Death - Cultures in Hong Kong
150156 SE Hong Kong 101 - the (post-)colonial City, its cultures and the making-of
150048 SE Culture in the (former) colony - traces and legacies of Japanese influence in Taiwan
150070 SE The fishing village, the metropolis, the in-between and the within - Introduction to Hong Kong and its making-of
150131 SE Contextualizing Hong Kong - within and in-between the local societies and the global city

Last modified: Th 01.02.2024 00:01