Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexandra Krenn-Leeb
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40473
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Dienstag, 15:00-16:00 Uhr (ausgenommen in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit) bzw. Termine nach persönlicher Vereinbarung unter: oder (+43) 01/4277-40473 oder (+43) 0664/1848-222
Director of Studies - Egyptology - Jewish Studies - Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology Directorate of Studies
Teaching (iCal)
- 060038 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060046 UE Basics of Field Archaeology
- 060048 LP Practical Fieldwork: Ratzersdorf
- 060088 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060122 OV Orientation and Introduction Bachelor Programme
- 060123 OV Orientation and Introduction Master Programme
- 060040 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060043 VO Introduction Bronze Age
- 060044 KU Course Bronze Age
- 060071 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060119 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie - Bachelor
- 060120 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie - Master
- 060037 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060038 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060042 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060049 LP Excavation Practice Ratzersdorf
- 060084 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060031 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060033 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060051 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060055 VO Introduction Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060056 KU Course Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060077 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060022 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060023 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060053 LP Excavation Practice Ratzersdorf
- 060083 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060084 UE Basics of the Field Archaeology - Organisation, Law for the Protection of Monuments, and Guidelines for Archaeological Activities
- 060092 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060100 UE Advanced Field Archaeology: Excavation Management
- 060033 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060034 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060038 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060043 VO Introduction Bronze Age
- 060044 KU Course Bronze Age
- 060066 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060021 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060031 UE Basics of the Field Archaeology - Organisation, Law for the Protection of Monuments, and Guidelines for Archaeological Activities
- 060033 LP Excavation Practice Ratzersdorf
- 060048 UE Advanced Field Archaeology: Excavation Management
- 060077 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060107 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060108 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060030 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060037 VO Introduction Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060038 KU Course Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060049 SE Social Archaeology
- 060053 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060101 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060102 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060045 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060049 UE Basics of the Field Archaeology: - Organisation, Law for the Protection of Monuments, and Guidelines for Archaeological Activities
- 060052 LP Excavation practice Ratzersdorf
- 060059 SE Bachelor Seminar Prehistory: - Finds and Features from the Early Bronze Age Fortification of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria
- 060072 UE Advanced Field Archaeology: Excavation Management
- 060097 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060098 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060042 VO Introduction Bronze Age
- 060074 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060075 KU Course Bronze Age
- 060105 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060106 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060029 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060042 UE Basics of the Field Archaeology - Organisation, Law for the Protection of Monuments, and Guidelines for Archaeological Activities
- 060049 LP Excavation practice 1/BA+2/MA: Ratzersdorf
- 060063 UE Advanced Field Archaeology: Excavation Management
- 060098 EX Excursion International Culture Region: Southern Spain
- 060099 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060102 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060049 UE Basics of Scientific Working
- 060056 KU Course Neolithic Period and Copper Age Period
- 060071 KU Advanced Scientific Working and Project Management
- 060111 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History (bachelor programme)
- 060112 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History (Master programme)
- 060064 PR Excavation practice 1+2: Ratzersdorf
- 060071 VU Field Archaeology - Organization
- 060111 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History (bachelor programme)
- 060112 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History (Master programme)
- 060045 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060046 UE Material course Bronze Age
- 060089 PR Practicum Excavation management
- 060115 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060116 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060045 PR Practical fieldwork 1 - Ratzersdorf
- 060051 VU Field Archaeology 2 - documentation and rules for archaeological affairs
- 060064 VU Advanced Scientific Working
- 060109 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060063 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060064 UE Material Course Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060072 VU Archaeology & Public Relations
- 060116 OV Information-event for students studying Prehistory and Early History
- 060026 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060099 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060046 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060049 PR Material course Bronze Age
- 060087 PR Excavation management
- 060058 VU Field Archaeology 2: Documentation & Guidelines of the Federal Monuments Authority Austria
- 060067 SE Social Archaeology
- 060044 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060065 SE Bachelor Seminar - Kupferzeitliche Fundkomplexe von Höflein, NÖ
- 060073 VU Archaeology & Public Relations
- 060069 VU Field Archaeology 1: Organisation & Law for the Protection of Monuments
- 060070 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060049 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060051 PR Material course Bronze Age
- 060061 PR Excavation management
- 060048 SE Bachelor Seminar - Prehistory
- 060049 VU Field Archaeology 2 - Documentation & Guidelines of the Fed. Office for the Protection of Monuments
- 060074 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period and Copper Age
- 060077 VU Archaeology & Public Relations
- 060079 SE Bachelorseminar (Prehistory): Neolithic finds from Wetzleinsdorf, Lower Austria
- 060077 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060091 UE Field Archaeology 1: Organisation
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060042 UE Field Archaeology 2: Documentation
- 060043 SV Social Archaeology
- 060076 PV Privatissimum
- 060046 BU Find Analysis: Neolithic Age
- 060058 VU VU Public Relations
- 060077 PV Privatissimum
- 060109 PS PS: Neolithic Period
- 060015 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060049 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060091 UE Field Archaeology 1: Organisation
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060147 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060048 UE Field Archaeology 2 Documentation
- 060049 SV Special lecture: Sociological Aspects in Archaeology - Case studies from the Neolithic and Bronze Age
- 060051 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060081 VU Public Relations in Archaeology
- 060085 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period
- 060086 PS Practice to determine Neolithic Period Finds
- 060008 UE Field Archaeology: Basics of the Organisation
- 060049 VU Project Management in Archaeology
- 060051 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060123 PS Proseminar Bronze Age
- 060124 BU Practice to determine Bronze Age Finds
- 060008 PV Exclusive Tutorial
- 060154 PS Proseminar Neolithic Period
- 060155 BU Practice to determine Neolithic Finds
- 060023 PV Privatissimum
- 060031 UE Working in Research and Project Management
- 060085 UE Archaeology & Public Relations
- 060006 VO+UE Field Research II - Field Research II
- 060007 PS Field Research I - Field Research I
- 060008 PV Exclusive tutorial - Exclusive tutorial
- 060027 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum
- 060061 PS Proseminar Bronzezeit - Proseminar Bronzezeit
- 060064 BU Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit - Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit
- 060154 PS Proseminar Neolithikum - Proseminar Neolithikum
- 060155 BU Bestimmungsübungen Neolithikum - Bestimmungsübungen Neolithikum
- 060027 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum
- 060028 UE Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Projektmanagement - Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Projektmanagement
- 060085 UE Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- 701294 VO+UE Methoden der UFG - Feldforschung II - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichte - Feldforschung II
- 701296 PS Methoden der UFG - Feldforschung I - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung - Feldforschung I
- 701281 PS Proseminar Bronzezeit - Proseminar Bronzezeit
- 701282 BU Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit - Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit
- 700231 PS Proseminar Neolithikum - Proseminar Neolithikum
- 700235 BU Bestimmungsübungen Neolithikum - Bestimmungsübungen Neolithikum
- 701311 UE Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- 701294 VU Methoden der UFG - Feldforschung II - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichte - Feldforschung II
- 701296 PS Methoden der UFG - Feldforschung I - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung - Feldforschung I
- 701281 PS Proseminar Bronzezeit - Proseminar Bronzezeit
- 701282 UE Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit - Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit
- 700231 PS Proseminar Neolithikum - Proseminar Neolithikum
- 700235 BU Bestimmungsübung Neolithikum - Bestimmungsübung urgeschichtlicher Fundmaterialien: Neolithikum
- 701311 UE Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Archäologie und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- 701294 VO Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichte-Feldforschung - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichte - Feldforschung (für den 2. Studienabschnitt)
- 701296 PS Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung - Methoden der Ur- und Frühgeschichtsforschung - Feldforschung I (für den 1. Studienabschnitt)
- 701281 PS Proseminar Bronzezeit - Proseminar Bronzezeit
- 701282 UE Bestimmung urgeschichtlichen Fundmaterials - Bestimmung urgeschichtlichen Fundmaterials: Bestimmungsübungen Bronzezeit
- 701268 PS Proseminar Neolithikum - Proseminar Neolithikum
- 701269 UE Bestimmungsübung Urgeschichte - Bestimmungsübung urgeschichtlicher Fundmaterialien: Neolithikum (BU)
- 701259 VO Archäologische Ausgrabung und Dokumentation - Archäologische Ausgrabung und Dokumentation - Zur Methodik und Technik praktischer Arbeit
- 701016 UE Proseminar: Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde - Proseminar: Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde
- 701016 UE Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde - Proseminar Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde
- 701016 UE Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde - Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde
- 701016 UE Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde - Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde
- 701016 UE Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde - Bestimmung urgeschichtlicher Funde
Last modified: Th 06.02.2025 12:00