Dr. Reinhard Wolters, M.A.
- Mail: reinhard.wolters@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40704
Business Card: vCard
Teaching (iCal)
- 060032 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060036 KU Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History: A Survey
- 060044 PS Between Financial Needs and Representational Ambitions: The Coinage of the Soldier Emperors
- 060045 KU Quellenkunde
- 060048 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060045 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060046 KU Coin Finds and Coin Circulation in Pompeii
- 060047 KU Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060048 SE Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic
- 060106 KU The Roman Emperors, their Coins and the People
- 060107 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060108 PS Money and Coinage in Athens
- 060109 KU Sources of Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060101 EX Excursion to Stift Heiligenkreuz
- 060103 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060105 KU Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060106 SE Coinage Laws and Monetary Reforms in Greco-Roman Antiquity
- 060076 KU The Coinage of Augustus
- 060077 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060078 KU Coin hoards as sources for Roman monetary history
- 060079 KU Sources of Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060035 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060037 KU Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060038 KU Ancient Coin Finds and their Interpretation
- 060039 SE Key Points of the Chronology of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins
- 060101 OV Preliminary meeting
- 060103 UE Privatissimum
- 060086 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060087 KU Coinage and the Roman Imperial Army
- 060089 KU Sources of Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060077 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060081 KU Coin Finds and Coin Circulation in Pompeii
- 060089 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060044 KU Sources of Ancient Numismatics and Monetary History
- 060099 KU The first issues of a new emperor
- 060100 KU Die Studies in Ancient Numismatics
- 060102 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060037 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060043 UE Scientific identification and evaluation of a newly found hoard of Roman denarii from Kalkriese - aus Kalkriese
- 060045 SE Fiduciary coins in Ancient Greek and Rome
- 060051 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060037 KU Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic
- 060038 KU Ancient Coins Finds as Sources of History
- 060040 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060036 PS Coinage and Monetary History of Athens
- 060042 KU Coinage and Identity in the Roman Provinces
- 060045 KU Interpreting Roman Coins Hoards
- 060049 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060033 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060038 SE Gold Coins in Ancient Greece and Rome
- 060042 EX Excursion to Stift Heiligenkreuz
- 060048 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 060090 PS The beginnings of Greek Silver Coinage
- 060098 KU Coin Finds in the Austria Romana
- 060100 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060101 KU Databases in Ancient Numismatics
- 060075 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060078 SE The coinage of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
- 060081 EX Excursion to Stift Heiligenkreuz
- 060085 KU Metallurgy in Ancient Numismatics
- 060089 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 970002 KU univie: summer school for numismatics
- 060046 PS Personifications on Roman coins
- 060059 KU The Invention of Coinage
- 060063 SE Seminar für Master-KandidatInnen, Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 060014 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060025 SE Roman Coins outside the Empire
- 060028 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 090065 VO Stories and histories of scolarly disciplines - ancient studies in Vienna
- 970001 KU univie: summer school for numismatics
- 060100 KU Describing and identifying items in Ancient Numismatics
- 060101 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060104 KU Coins and Cult in the Biblical World
- 060111 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060113 SE Coin finds, coin circulation and monetary integration in the first century A.D.
- 410002 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 060043 PS Family Propaganda in the Coinage of the Later Roman Republic
- 060058 PV Privatissimum
- 060059 KU God and Money in the Bible
- 060060 KU Continuity and Discontinuity in the Coinage of Ancient Greek Cities
- 060115 UE EC Num_Praxis/Kat.: Exercise Course Determination
- 020017 SE Mammon: God and Money in the Biblical World
- 060042 KU Ancient Numismatics and coin history
- 060110 SE Cornerstones of Dating Ancient Greek and Roman Coins
- 060117 EX Excursion
- 060120 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 410004 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 020003 SE Mammon: God and Money in the Biblical World
- 060085 PS Ancient Greek Federal Coinage
- 060093 KU Coin Production and Coin Finds from Caracalla to Maximinus Thrax
- 070321 VO Money in a Historical Perspective
- 410005 SE Interdisciplinary seminar: Colloquium to current historical and cultural issues
- 060107 KU Describing and identifying items in Ancient Numismatics
- 060108 KU Ancient Numismatics and monetary history
- 060112 PS The Exhibition of coins - Problems and chances
- 060120 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060020 PS From Republic to Empire: Money and Coinage in the Age of Augustus
- 060026 SE Ancient Numismatics: Evidence and Models
- 060028 KU The Roman army and the Monetisation of the Northern Provinces
- 060131 KU Beschreibungs- und Bestimmungslehre I. Antike
- 060132 KU Antike Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
- 060155 SE Diplomanden- und Dissertantenseminar
- 060188 PS Coins of the Ancient
- 060193 KU Sources of numismatics
- 060195 KU Coins and monetary history of the Roman Republic
- 520995 SE Privatissimum für Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Dissertanten
- 703069 VO Die römische Münzprägung im Überblick - Die römische Münzprägung im Überblick
Last modified: Mo 11.11.2024 15:00