Mag. Dr. Roman Rauter
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 030604 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities
- 030146 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities, intellectual property rights, competition law
- 030604 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities
- 030615 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030604 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities
- 030615 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030604 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities
- 030615 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030604 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law III - Securities
- 030615 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030102 SE Seminar: European Economic Law - Recent Developments - (auch für DissertantInnen)
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Practical Course: The European Company
- 030251 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Company Law
- 030099 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Practical Course: The European Company
- 030252 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Gesellschaftsrecht
- 030102 SE Seminar: European Economic Law - Recent Developments - (auch für DissertantInnen)
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Europäische Aktiengesellschaft
- 030251 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Company Law
- 030099 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Commercial Law
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Practical Course: The European Company
- 030252 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Gesellschaftsrecht
- 030102 SE SE: Europ. Economic Law - Recent Developments - Seminar: European Economic Law - Recent Developments
- 030140 KU Practical course: The European company - Practical Course: The European Company
- 030251 RE Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Intensive Course Commercial and Business Law II - Company Law
- 030099 PF Pflichtübung aus Unternehmensrecht - Pflichtübung aus Unternehmensrecht
- 030103 KU Firmenbuchrecht - Firmenbuchrecht
- 030140 KU Societas Europaea - Societas Europaea
- 030099 PF Pflichtübung aus Handelsrecht - Pflichtübung aus Handelsrecht
- 030103 KU Firmenbuchrecht - Firmenbuchrecht
- 030140 KU Societas Europaea - Societas Europaea
- 300472 PF Pflichtübung aus Handelsrecht - Pflichtübung aus Handelsrecht
- 300482 KU Firmenbuchrecht - Firmenbuchrecht
- 300549 KU Societas Europaea - Societas Europaea
Last modified: We 15.11.2023 13:45