Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Ertl
Currently not an active member of staff
- Mail: thomas.ertl@univie.ac.at
Teaching (iCal)
- 070078 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070083 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070090 GR Guided Reading - The Mongol Empire (13th Century)
- 070096 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070078 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070083 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070096 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Death and Inheritance in Vienna (1400-1600)
- 070236 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 070033 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070170 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Nuns, Demons and Salvation
- 070171 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Medieval Vienna
- 070184 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 070105 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070110 SE Master Seminar/ M.A. Seminar /Ph.D. Seminar
- 070137 SE BA-Seminar - Vienna in the Middle Ages
- 070142 KU Reading Historiography
- 070163 VK Vertiefungskurs Fachdidaktik
- 070199 VO Political History - Basic Questions of Political History
- 070056 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070093 VU STEOP: Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft
- 070141 VO STEOP: Das Studium der Geschichte an der Universität Wien
- 070180 SE Forschungsseminar - Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Wien, die Wiener, ihr Geld und ihre Häuser
- 070293 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070011 VO Political History
- 070127 VU STEOP: Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft
- 070128 VO STEOP: Das Studium der Geschichte an der Universität Wien
- 070144 SE Masterseminar (PM 5) - New Research in Economic and Social History
- 410002 SE Economy and settlement developement in pre moder - Interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral Candidates:
- 070001 VO STEOP: Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
- 070131 PS Proseminar - Francis of Assisi. Religious Poverty and Urban Wealth
- 070222 SE Master Seminar
- 070223 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Europa in der Welt
- 070066 SE Master Seminar
- 070080 VU STEOP: Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft
- 070171 VO Political History
- 070310 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - Living standards in Pre-modern Europe and India
- 070003 VO Basic Questions in political History
- 070007 PK Advanced Course Teaching Methodology in History (II)
- 070038 GR Guided Reading - Königtum im Mittelalter. Ein interkultureller Vergleich
- 070039 VU Introduction to historical science
- 070227 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Living standards in medieval Europe and India. A comparison.
- 100070 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 070295 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 070312 FS Research Seminar Global History - Akbar the Great. A Mughal Emperor and his Time
- 070320 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Forced Migration as Political Means
- 070352 MA Master Seminar
- 070095 VO Basic Questions of Political History
- 070126 VU STEOP: Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft und ihr Studium - ACHTUNG: DIESE LV (AUSSCHLIESSLICH DIESE!) GILT AUCH ALS VU EINFÜHRUNG IM BA ALT!
- 070210 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - The Indian Ocean: Region of Communication, Commerce and Conflict
- 070380 SE Seminar - Kleiderordnungen und Luxusgesetze in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit
- 070488 VU Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070074 VO Basic Questions of Political History
- 070133 PS Proseminar
- 070345 KU Scources, Methods and Theories of Economic and Social History
- 070430 VO Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070515 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 704206 AR Die Staufer in Italien - Die Staufer in Italien
- 704206 AR Sizilien und das Kaiserreich im 12. Jahrhundert - Sizilien und das Kaiserreich im 12. Jahrhundert
Last modified: We 15.02.2023 09:06