Dr. Isabella-Anna Streissler
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 240091 SE Inside and outside, emic and etic in visual representation (P4) - theoretical background and practical examples
- 240093 SE Gardening together, growing together (P4) - Urban gardening as possibility for socio-cultural integration and/or "new identities"?
- 240040 VO School culture(s): research and intervention in heterogeneous classrooms (3.2.4)
- 260124 SE Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development - Evaluation - Working Space for Analysis and Writing
- 260073 SE BLUKONE: Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Deveplopment - Qualitative Evaluation of a Game Based Learning Design
- 240067 SE Ethnographic interviews (P1)
- 240087 SE Making video documentary for social/cultural anthropologists (P4)
- 240151 VS Inside and outside, emic and etic in visual representation: (3.2.6) - theoretical background and practical examples
- 240197 SE Lifeworlds of Children and Young People (P4) - anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240205 UE Making documentary Videos (P5)
- 240050 SE Bachelor Seminar: Empiric Data Collecting and Analysis
- 240098 UE Projectmanagement of a Conference: CARN 2011 (P5)
- 240153 VS The anthropological study of Austrian education: (MABOP, 3.2.4) - a theoretical and practical introduction
- 240158 VS Freedom Concepts, Representations and Problems (3.3.1)
- 240210 UE Making documentary videos, an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists (P5)
- 240142 VS Inside and outside, emic and etic in visual representation: - theoretical background and practical examples
- 240162 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
- 240208 SE Lifeworlds of Children and Young People - Anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240057 SE A qualitative study about a project on migration and integration in Austrian schools - zu Migration und Integration an österreichischen Schulen
- 240063 PR Intercultural Learning in Viennese Schools
- 240102 IP CREOLE Intensivprogramme - Relationality and the Principle of Diversity
- 240215 UE Making Documentary Videos - an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240224 VS I spy, I spy... - Visual representation: theoretical background and practical exercises
- 240126 PR Feldpraktikum: Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers - Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers
- 240075 VS The anthropological study of education, an introduction
- 240098 SE+UE Making Documentary Videos-an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240116 SE Mythos Feldforschung
- 240053 SE Lifeworlds of Children and Young People: anthropological perspectives
- 240104 SE+UE Making Documentary Videos-an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240046 SE Strategies related to age and power - Strategies related to age and power
- 240053 SE+UE Making Documentary Videos - Making Documentary Videos - an introduction for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240020 SE+UE Einführung in die ethnologische Videodokumentation - Einführung in die ethnologische Videodokumentation: Studentische Lebenswelten in Wien
- 240130 VO Kinder- u. Jugendkulturen in der dritten Welt - Kinder- und Jugendkulturen in der dritten Welt
- 696077 UE Ethnologische Zugänge zu Identität IIMA - Ethnologische Zugänge zu Identität am Beispiel von Jugendkulturen IIMA
- 695273 VO Genderforschung: Gender, Alter u. Gewalt - Genderforschung: Gender, Alter und Gewalt
- 611298 VO Ethnologische Kindheits- und Jugendforschung - Ethnologische Kindheits- und Jugendforschung
Last modified: We 20.01.2021 05:06