Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Schneeweiss, Privatdoz.
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-54062
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice-Director of Studies - Biology Directorate of Studies
Deputy Head - Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Teaching (iCal)
- 300001 VO StEOP: Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, botany and zoology
- 300078 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300155 UE+EX Knowledge of Central European Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Vascular Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300471 UE+EX Alpine Plant Life
- 300477 SE Scientific Presentation - Seminar for Master Students in Botany
- 300001 VO StEOP: Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, botany and zoology
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300153 VU Diversity and organization levels of plants, algae and fungi
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300001 VO StEOP: Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, botany and zoology
- 300023 VO Higher Plant diversity and phylogeny
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300155 UE+EX Knowledge of Central European Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Vascular Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300001 VO StEOP: Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, botany and zoology
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300136 VO Ecology and biogeography of the Alpine Flora
- 300153 VU Diversity and organization levels of plants, algae and fungi
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300078 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300155 UE+EX Knowledge of Central European Plants
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Vascular Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Vascular Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300471 UE+EX Alpine Plant Life
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300153 VU Diversity and organization levels of plants, algae and fungi
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Vascular Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Vascular Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity, systematics and ecology of algae, plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in three parallel courses
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300078 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Vascular Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Vascular Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in three parallel courses
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in two parallel courses
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300467 VO Plant and Fungal Evolution and Diversity
- 300033 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300078 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300138 UE Ascertaining major components of the Austrian flora in the field
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists, part 1 - Exercise in two parallel courses
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300467 VO Plant and Fungal Evolution and Diversity
- 300058 VO Ecology and biogeography of the Alpine Flora
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300293 UE Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300471 UE+EX Alpine Plant Life
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists, part 1 - Exercise in two parallel courses
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300078 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists, part 1 - Exercise in three parallel courses
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300058 VO Ecology and biogeography of the Alpine Flora
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2 - Exercise in two parallel courses
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300471 UE+EX Alpine Plant Life
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists, part 1 - Exercise in three parallel courses
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300330 PR Specific Research Project: Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300043 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2 - Exercise in two parallel courses
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists, part 1 - Exercise in three parallel courses
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300330 PR Specific Research Project: Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300354 UE Molecular phylogenetics - Phylogenetic (and other ) analyses using BEAST
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300247 VO Ecology and biogeography of the Alpine Flora
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany - Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300471 UE+EX Alpine Plant Life
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in drei parallel courses
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 300026 UE+EX Botanical Mediterranean excursion
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300601 UE Diversity and systematics of plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in drei parallel courses
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300071 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300072 SE Analysis and preparation for publication of the data of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300412 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300247 VO Ecology and biogeography of the Alpine Flora
- 300268 UE Advanced phylogenetics - Phylogenetic (and other ) analyses using BEAST
- 300230 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300016 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300052 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300054 SE Analysis and preparation for publication of the data of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300471 UE+EX Botanical Alpine course
- 300735 VO Lectureseries Molecular Biology
- 300005 UE+EX Botanical Mediterranean excursion
- 300138 EX Botanical excursions
- 300230 UE Biogeographical Excursions
- 300292 UE Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300735 VO Lectureseries Molecular Biology
- 300056 SE Analysis and preparation for publication of the data of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300110 VO Macromolecules and molecular phylogeny in plant systematics and evolution
- 300114 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300454 VO+UE Diversity and organisation levels of Plants and Fungi
- 300537 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300130 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300292 EX Diversity and Ecology of Higher Plants
- 300471 UE+EX Botanical Alpine course
- 300735 VO Lectureseries Molecular Biology
- 300110 VO Macromolecules in phylogeny - DNA and macromolecules in phylogeny
- 300454 VO+UE Diversity and organisation levels of Plants and Fungi
- 300535 VO Speciation in plants and fungi
- 300537 VO Plant Biogeography
- 300035 UE+EX Botanical Mediterranean excursion - Botanical Mediterranean excursion
- 300292 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 300454 VO+UE Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi - Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi
- 300691 VO Ecology & Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora - Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300692 SE Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course - Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course
- 300292 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 300471 UE+EX Botanical Alpine course - Botanical Alpine course
- 300016 SE Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography - Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography
- 300454 VO+UE Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi - Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi
- 300622 VO Biology of parasitic flowering plants - Biology of parasitic flowering plants
- 809207 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 814144 UE Determination courses fpr teachers I - Determination courses fpr teachers I
- 896917 UE+EX Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion - Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion
- 801318 SE+UE Interpretation of distribution paterns exemplified - Interpretation of distribution patterns exemplified on the Austrian and Central European flora
- 801319 SE Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography - Literature seminar: Current issues in biogeography
- 801321 SE Analysis and preparation: Botanical Alpine Course - Analysis and preparation in a publishable form of the data collected during the Botanical Alpine Course
- 814021 VO+UE Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi - Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi
- 800229 UE+EX Botanical Alpine course - Botanical Alpine course
- 809088 UE Biological course of introduction II - Biological course of introduction II
- 809207 EX Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
- 814086 UE Central European habitat types - Central European habitat types
- 814144 UE Determination courses fpr teachers I - Determination courses fpr teachers I
- 814021 VO+UE Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi - Diversity and Organisation of Plants and Fungi
- 877431 SE Analyses of data (Bot. Mediterranean excursion) - Analyses of data collected during the Botanical Mediterranean excursion 2003 to Southern Spain
- 809207 EX EX Diversität Höherer Pflanzen - Exkursionen zu Diversität und Systematik der Höheren Pflanzen
- 814144 UE Bestimmungsübungen für das Lehramt I. (Pflanzen) - Bestimmungsübungen für das Lehramt I.
- 896917 UE+EX Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion - Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion (für Fortgeschrittene)
- 801318 SE+UE Biogeographische Arealanalyse - Biographische Arealanalyse am Beispiel der österreichischen und mitteleuropäischen Flora
- 801321 SE Datenauswertung Botanischer Alpenkurs - Datenauswertung und publikationsreife Aufbereitung der Untersuchungsergebnisse des Botanischen Alpenkurses
- 814021 VO+UE Diversität u. Organisat. d. Pflanzen u. Pilze - Diversität und Organisation der Pflanzen und Pilze
- 800229 UE+EX Botanischer Alpenkurs - Botanischer Alpenkurs
- 814021 VO+UE Diversität und Organisation der Pflanzen und Pilze - Diversität und Organisation der Pflanzen und Pilze
- 859385 UE Bestimmungsarbeiten florist. Kartierung - Bestimmungsarbeiten zur floristischen Kartierung (für Fortgeschrittene, besonders für Teilnehmer an den Aufnahmearbeiten zur floristischen Kartierung früherer Semester)
- 809876 UE Aufnahmearbeiten Floristische Kartierung - Aufnahmearbeiten zur floristischen Kartierung Österreichs und angrenzender Gebiete
- 809898 EX Botanische Exkursionen - Botanische Exkursionen
- 882518 EX Areal-, vegetationskundliche Exkursionen - Areal- und vegetationskundliche Exkursionen (für Fortgeschrittene)
- 896917 EX Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion - Botanische Mittelmeerexkursion (für Fortgeschrittene)
Last modified: Sa 01.03.2025 05:00