Univ.-Prof. ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Josef Hofbauer
Business Card: vCard
Teaching (iCal)
- 250141 VO Game Theory
- 250157 KO The art of problem solving
- 510009 SE AG Biomathematics VSM
- 250059 VU Biomathematics and game theory
- 250096 SE Seminar (AG Biomathematik)
- 250104 VO Topics in Population Dynamics
- 250113 KO The art of problem solving
- 250010 PS Dynamical System and Nonlinear Differential Equations
- 250115 VO Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
- 250138 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250157 KO The art of problem solving
- 250096 SE Seminar in Biomathematics
- 250104 VO Selected topics from Biomathematics
- 250113 KO The art of problem solving
- 250138 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250141 VO Game theory
- 250157 KO The art of problem solving
- 250019 VO Complex analysis
- 250022 KO The art of problem solving
- 250059 VU Biomathematics and game theory
- 250096 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250010 VO Ordinary differential equations
- 250011 UE Tutorials on ordinary differential equations
- 250026 KO The art of problem solving
- 250138 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250004 SE Bachelor seminar
- 250012 UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- 250022 KO The art of problem solving
- 250096 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250119 VO Topics in population dynamics
- 250026 KO The art of problem solving
- 250091 VO Mathematical ecology
- 250092 SE Seminar in biomathematics
- 250093 PS PS Mathematical ecology
- 250079 VO Game theory
- 250080 PS Introductory seminar on game theory
- 250096 SE AG Biomathematics
- 250013 UE Tutorials on discrete mathematics
- 250073 VO Mathematical population genetics
- 250074 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250075 PS Introductory seminar on mathematical population genetics
- 250123 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250063 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250064 PR Introductory seminar on Stochastic Processes
- 250082 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250105 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250116 VO Game theory
- 250117 PS Introductory seminar on game theory
- 250118 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250141 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250027 SE Seminar (Algebra) - ("Kunst des Problemlösens")
- 250075 VO Stochastic Processes
- 250076 UE Introductory seminar on stochastic processes
- 250111 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250112 SE Seminar (Mathematical population genetics)
- 250005 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250054 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250070 VO Mathematical ecology and pattern formation
- 250072 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250116 VU Evolution and Learning in Games
- 250006 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250083 VO Game theory
- 250084 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250100 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving
- 250109 PS Introductory seminar on game theory
- 390012 UK PhD-VGSE: Evolutionary Game Theory
- 250022 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250081 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250084 VO Selected topics in biomathematics
- 250086 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250109 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250112 VO Mathematical methods of system biology
- 250069 VO Game theory
- 250070 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250071 PS Introductory seminar on game theory
- 250117 VO Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250011 VO Ordinary differential equations
- 250012 UE Tutorials on ordinary differential equations
- 250049 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250077 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250058 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250059 SE Seminar Biomathematics
- 390053 UK PhD-VGSE: Evolutionary Game Dynamics
- 250018 VO Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- 250019 UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- 250046 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250067 SE Seminar Biomathematics
- 250010 VO Analysis
- 250011 UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- 250016 UE Repetition course "Analysis"
- 250062 SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250074 SE Seminar Biomathematics
- 250005 VO Introduction to analysis
- 250006 UE Repetition course "Introduction to analysis"
- 250007 UE Tutorials on "Introduction to analysis"
- 250046 SE Bachelor seminar 2
- 250056 PJ+SE Seminar (The art of problem solving)
- 250061 SE Seminar Biomathematics
- 250021 SE Bachelor seminar 1
- 250044 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250051 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250087 VO Ordinary differential equations
- 250088 UE Tutorials on ordinary differential equations
- 250031 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250036 SE Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250083 VO Evolutionary Game Theory
- 250084 SE Seminar (Evolutionary Game Theory)
- 250336 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250390 VO Selected topics in bio mathematics
- 250391 PJ+SE Project seminar (bio mathematics)
- 250185 SE Seminar (biomathematics)
- 250225 VO Bio mathematics
- 250226 PS Introductory seminar to bio mathematics
- 250279 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250334 SE Seminar (the art of problem solving) - Seminar (the art of problem solving)
- 250343 SE Seminar Biomathematics - Seminar Biomathematics
- 250386 VO Selected topics in topology - Selected topics in topology (Fixed point theorems)
- 250444 VO Selected topics in biomathematics - Selected topics in biomathematics
- 250445 SE Seminar (biomathematics) - Seminar (biomathematics)
- 250510 VO Selected topics in ordinary differential equations - Selected topics in ordinary differential equations
- 250511 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802449 AR Seminar in Biomathematics - Seminar in Biomathematics
- 877651 SE Privatissimum - Privatissimum
- 802449 AR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik (Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Angewandter Mathematik)
- 803346 VO Analysis 1 - Analysis 1
- 803347 PS Proseminar zu Analysis 1 - Proseminar zu Analysis 1
- 803348 UE Repetitorium zu Analysis 1 - Repetitorium zu Analysis 1
- 803384 PJ+SE Projektseminar (Biomathematik) - Projektseminar (Biomathematik)
- 801162 VO Biomathematik - Biomathematik
- 801163 PS Proseminar zu Biomathematik - Proseminar zu Biomathematik
- 801346 AG Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik
- 800512 VO Dynamische Systeme - Dynamische Systeme
- 822049 VO Spieltheorie - Spieltheorie
- 802449 AR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik (Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Angewandter Mathematik)
- 802963 VO Differentialgleichungen - Differentialgleichungen
- 802254 AR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik
- 802475 VO Analysis III - Analysis III
- 802476 VO Analysis IV - Analysis IV
- 802852 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802869 UE Repetitorium zu Analysis III und IV - Repetitorium zu Analysis III und IV
- 802366 UE Proseminar Analysis III - Proseminar Analysis III
- 802378 UE Proseminar zu Analysis II - Proseminar zu Analysis II
- 802379 VO Analysis II - Analysis II
- 802380 SE Repetitorium zu Analysis II (computergestützt) - Repetitorium zu Analysis II (computergestützt)
- 802449 AR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik (Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Angewandter Mathematik)
- 802048 VO Analysis I - Analysis I
- 802050 UE Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802164 SE Repetitorium zu Analysis I (computergestützt) - Repetitorium zu Analysis I (computergestützt)
- 802254 AR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik
- 802287 UE Proseminar zu Analysis I - Proseminar zu Analysis I
- 802288 VO Analysis I - Analysis I
- 802852 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802038 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802186 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Differentialgleichungen - Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Differentialgleichungen
- 802805 VO Biomathematik - Biomathematik
- 802852 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802773 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802724 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802805 SE dynamische Systeme und Spieltheorie - dynamische Systeme und Spieltheorie
- 802630 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Differentialgleichungen - Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Differentialgleichungen (Dynamische Systeme und Spieltheorie)
- 874467 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802029 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802467 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
- 802029 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis)
Last modified: Mo 09.12.2024 10:40