Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vladimir Biti
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 480092 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480097 KO Narratives of Victimhood in the South Slav Literatures - Kolloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480118 SE The Fatherlessness in the South Slavic Literatures - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480141 SE On the Ruins of Empires - Colloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480016 SE Contemporary Cultural Theories
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and retrieval of collective memory - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 420007 DS Narrative Theories in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480065 VO Trends in Modern Literary Theory
- 480092 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480118 SE Literature as Testimony - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480148 SE On the Ruins of Empires: Aspects of Post-imperial Literatures - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480087 SE After Catastrophes: Literature and the Work of Mourning - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480131 SE Foundational Myths an Narratives of Dispossession: Literature in Politics, Politics in Literature - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480149 KO Aspects of Narrative Anlaysis on Selected Examples - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480065 VO Narrative Theories in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 480092 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480115 SE Krleža and the Province - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480118 SE The Pattern of Redoubling in the South Slav Lyrics, Drama and Narrative - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480087 SE The Identity Formation in the South Slav Modernist and Postmodernist Fiction - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480131 SE The Disintegration and Retrieval of Collective Memory in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures - Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature and Culture
- 480149 KO The Structuring of the Subject in the South Slav Contemporary Lyrics - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480054 SE The Fatherlessness in the Modern and Postmodern Novel
- 480069 VO Contemporary Cultural Theories with a Special Reference to the Slavic Cultural Space
- 480092 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480115 SE The Construction of Space in the Contemporary Narrative Prose
- 480087 SE The Trauma in the South Slav Contemporary Literatures - B.A. Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480122 VO Bakhtin´s Theory of the Novel and the South Slav Novels
- 480126 KO Aspects of Narrative Analysis
- 480131 SE Narratives of Victimhood in the South Slav Literatures and Cultures
- 130172 SE BA-Literature Seminar for South Slavonic Studies
- 130221 VO Literature and Nation-Building in the South Slavic Region
- 130283 SE SE Literature - The Construction of the Space in the South Slavic Fiction of the 20 th Century
- 130292 KO Leading Concepts of the South Slavic Literary Histories
- 130118 KO Colloquium on B/C/S Literature - Infinite Redoubling: The Subject in (of) the South-Slavonic Modernist Fiction and Lyrics
- 130170 VO Narrative Theories in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 130171 SE The Breakdown and Restoration of Collective Memory in the South-Slavonic Literatures and Cultures - Zerfall und Wiedergewinnung des Kollektivgedächtnisses in südslawischen Literaturen und Kulturen
- 130187 KO The Project of Community as Male Bond in the South-Slavonic Literatures and Cultures KulturenColloqu
- 130171 VO Literary history at a glance: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature - Die Entwicklung des Romans in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130172 SE BA-Literature Seminar for South Slavonic Studies - Die Vaterlosigkeit in der südslawischen Gegenwartsprosa
- 130283 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature: South Slavic Literatures - Die Gestaltung der Provinz in den südslawischen Literaturen
- 130292 VO Literary Theory - Einführung in die Struktur der literatur- und kulturtheoretischen Begriffe
- 130170 VO Introduction to Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia Area and Cultural Studies
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
- 130172 SE Identity Contruction in the Croatian Modernist Prose
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130171 VO South-Slavonic
- 130212 KO Ausgewählte Kapitel aus den südslawischen Literaturgeschichten
- 130283 SE Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar: - Literaturtheoretische Texte lesen
- 130292 VO Literaturtheortische Strömungen des 20. Jh. mit bes. Ber. des slawischen Kontexts
- 130170 VO Area and Cultural Studies: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theories in South-Slavonic Context
- 130172 SE Seminar: The Trauma in 20th Century South-Slavonic Prose
- 130173 KO Conversatorium: The Female Subject in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Contemporary Lyric Poetry
- 130011 SE-B BA-Seminar Literaturwissenschaft: - Die Vaterfigur in der serbischen, bosnischen und montenegrinischen Literatur
- 130026 SE Privatissimum: Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Diplom- und Master-Studierende
- 130032 VO Bachtins Romantheorie und der südslawische Roman
- 130035 VO Literatur und Nationsbildung: Südslawische "literarische Kulturen"
- 130170 VO Area and Cultural Studies: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro
- 130171 VO Literaturtheoretische Strömungen des 20. Jhd. mit besonderer Berücksichtung des slawischen Kontextes
- 130172 KO Fictional Evidence in South-Slavonic Modernistic Literature
- 130173 KO Croatian Contemporary Lyric Poetry
- 715224 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar f. Serbokroatisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar: Der bosnische, kroatische und serbische Roman im 20. Jahrhundert
- 715518 VO Die Erzählkommunikation - Die Erzählkommunikation (als Vorprüfungsfach anrechenbar)
- 715519 UE Die lyrische Kommunikation - Die lyrische Kommunikation
- 715523 VO Bosnische, kroatische und serbische Literatur I - Bosnische, kroatische und serbische Literatur I (von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart)
- 715748 VO Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch III, Teil I - Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch III, Teil I (gleichzeitig mit Nr. 715 440 zu absolvieren) (Sprachstruktur, Stilistik)
Last modified: Tu 18.10.2022 15:47