Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Johann Humenberger
- Mail: hans.humenberger@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-50672
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: By arrangement via email
Teaching (iCal)
- 250143 KO Colloquium of mathematics didactics
- 250171 VO School mathematics stochastics
- 250172 UE School mathematics stochastics
- 250036 VO School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250054 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250088 PS Didactical aspects of problem solving
- 250143 KO Colloquium of mathematics didactics
- 250146 SE Seminar Subject-specific didactics
- 250171 VO School mathematics stochastics
- 250172 UE School mathematics stochastics
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250088 PS Didactical aspects of problem solving
- 250143 KO Colloquium of mathematics didactics
- 250034 VO School mathematics elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250052 UE UE Tutorial: elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250088 PS Didactical aspects of problem solving
- 250143 KO Colloquium of mathematics didactics
- 250171 VO School mathematics stochastics
- 250172 UE School mathematics stochastics
- 250036 VO School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250054 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250146 SE SE Subject-specific didactics
- 250191 VO VO Schulmathematik Angewandte Mathematik
- 250192 UE UE School mathematics: applied mathematics
- 250034 VO School mathematics elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250052 UE UE Tutorial: elementary geometry and vector analysis
- 250088 PS Didactical aspects of problem solving
- 250143 KO Mathematikdidaktisches Kolloquium
- 250146 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250171 VO School mathematics stochastics
- 250172 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics stochastics
- 250030 VO School mathematics analysis
- 250050 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics analysis
- 250088 PS PS Didactical aspects of problem solving
- 250143 KO Probleme des Mathematikunterrichts
- 250146 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250191 VO VO Schulmathematik Angewandte Mathematik
- 250192 UE UE Schulmathematik Angewandte Mathematik
- 250036 VO School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250054 UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
- 250080 PS Problem solving
- 250055 VO VO Schulmathematik Angewandte Mathematik
- 250056 UE UE Schulmathematik Angewandte Mathematik
- 250128 KO Probleme des Mathematikunterrichts
- 250029 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250043 VO Schulmathematik Stochastik
- 250044 UE Schulmathematik Stochastik
- 250115 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250034 VO Schulmathematik Elementargeometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250039 PS Problem solving
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250052 UE Schulmathematik Elementargeometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250016 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250019 VO School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250022 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250023 SE Seminar zur Unterrichtsplanung
- 250025 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250039 VO Schulmathematik Geometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250040 UE Schulmathematik Geometrie und Vektorrechnung
- 250053 PS Problem solving
- 250055 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250058 VO School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250060 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250064 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250042 PS Problem solving
- 250050 VO School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250051 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250026 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250028 VO School mathematics 4 (Vector calculus)
- 250031 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250034 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 4 (Vector calculus)
- 250034 PS Problem solving
- 250035 VO School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250041 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250062 KO Fans of math go to university
- 250012 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250014 VO School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250015 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250039 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 4 (Vector calculus)
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250055 VO School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250056 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 1 (Arithmetic and Algebra)
- 250063 PS Problem solving
- 250024 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250025 VO School mathematics 2 (Geometry)
- 250032 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 250033 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 2 (Geometry)
- 250048 VO Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250049 UE Tutorial: Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250055 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250086 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250087 VO School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250088 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250089 VO Selected topics from didactics of mathematics
- 250090 PS Introductory seminar problem solving
- 250057 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250095 VO Elementary geometry
- 250096 SE Seminar (Applied mathematics)
- 250037 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250038 UE Tutorial: Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Porgramme
- 250092 VO School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250093 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250031 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250089 VO School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250090 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 6 (Differential and Integral calculus)
- 250091 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250092 PS Introductory seminar Problem solving
- 250085 SE Seminar for SSTAP (Stochastics)
- 250086 SE Seminar for planning teaching units
- 250087 VO School mathematics - Applied mathematics
- 250088 UE Tutorial: School mathematics - Applied mathematics
- 250321 VO Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250322 UE Tutorials to Stochastic for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250331 KO Problems in teaching mathematics
- 250392 VO School mathematics Integral calculus
- 250393 PS Introductory seminar to School mathematics Integral calculus
- 250394 SE Seminar (Applied mathematics) for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250157 VO Applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250167 PS Introductory seminar to applied mathematics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 250227 VO School mathematics differential calculus
- 250228 PS Introductory seminar to school mathematics differential calculus
- 250324 KO Problems in Mathematics Education - Problems in Mathematics Education
- 250388 VO School mathematics 7 - School mathematics 7
- 250389 PS Introductory Seminar to school mathematics 7 - Introductory Seminar to school mathematics 7
- 250390 SE Seminar on mathematics education - Seminar on mathematics education
- 250391 SE Seminar for planning teaching units - Seminar for planning teaching units
- 250512 VO School mathematics 6 (Differential calculus) - School mathematics 6 (Differential calculus)
- 250513 PS Introductory Seminar to school mathematics 6 - Introductory Seminar to school mathematics 6 (Differential calculus)
- 250514 SE Seminar for SSTA (Probability theory) - Seminar for Secondary school teacher accreditation (Probability theory)
- 250515 VO Selected topics in Didactical problems - Selected topics in Didactical problems
- 250332 KO Problems in Mathematics Education - Problems in Mathematics Education
- 250378 VO Probability Theory and Statistics for SSTA - Probability Theory and Statistics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation
- 250379 PS Introductory Seminar and Statistics for SSTA - Probability Theory and Statistics for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation
- 250380 SE Seminar (Applied Mathematics) for SSTA - Seminar (Applied Mathematics) for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation
- 250048 SE Seminar (Didactics of Mathematics) - Seminar (Didactics of Mathematics)
- 250106 PS Introductory Seminar to Applied Mathematics SSTA - Introductory Seminar to Applied Mathematics for SSTA
- 250129 VO Applied Mathematics for SSTA - Applied Mathematics for SSTA
- 250130 VO Schoolmathematics 1 (Numbers) - Schoolmathematics 1 (Numbers)
- 802338 VO Schulmathematik VIII - Schulmathematik VIII- Angewandte Mathematik
- 802339 UE Übungen zu Schulmathematik VIII - Übungen zu Schulmathematik VIII - Angewandte Mathematik
- 802587 UE Übungen zu Angewandte Mathematik f. LAK - Übungen zu Angewandte Mathematik für LehramtskandidatInnen
- 802495 UE Übung Analysis 3 - Übung Analysis 3
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00