Mag. Petra Pinetz
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 190033 SE Counseling and Counseling Research - Consultation and accompaniment in the phase of transition school to work
- 190077 SE Consultation and support in the process of vocational integration
- 190079 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Vocational partizipation of people with an intellectual disability in Austria
- 190768 SE Analysis of empirical research on vocational integration
- 190902 SE Research practicum - BA Research Seminar: Vocational partizipation of people with an intellectual disability in Austria
- 190030 SE Consultation and assistance in vocational rehabilitation
- 190099 SE+EX Vocational Rehabilitation - Areas of tnsion in theory and practice in vocational rehabilitation
- 190768 SE project: project development and -realization - project: project development and -realization
- 190461 SE 5.5.2 Beratung beim Übergang Schule - Beruf - Beratung beim Übergang von der Schule in den Beruf von jungen Menschen mit Behinderungen
Last modified: Su 20.12.2020 05:07