Assoz. Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Regina Polak, MAS
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-31907
- Mobile: +43-664-8174967
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice Dean - Faculty of Catholic Theology
Director of Studies - Catholic Theology Directorate of Studies
Deputy Head - Department of Practical Theology
Teaching (iCal)
- 010036 SE Learning Christian Faith in Secular and Plural Contexts
- 010037 UE Introduction to Catholic Theology: Accompanying Course
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010084 VO Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010039 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 600003 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010039 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010109 FS Religion in the context of multiple crises: part of the problem, part of the solution
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010084 VO Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010079 FS Research Seminar Practical Theology
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Brussels
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010098 SE "Indispensable Presence": On the role and importance of Jews and Judaism in pastoral care
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010021 VO Jews, Christians, Muslims (Special Pastoral Theologies) - Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the interfaith dialogue between the Abrahamic Traditions
- 010039 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Geneva
- 010098 SE Scriptural Reasoning - Eine praktisch-theologische Methode interreligiöser Schriftauslegung
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies: Interfaith Dialogue
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010089 SE Nothing New in Europe? Perspective on Contemporary anti-Semitism
- 010077 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010089 SE "City of God" - On the relationship between religion- city- migration
- 251159 VU Introduction to Human Rights from Different Perspectives
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010089 SE Understanding Judaism today
- 010032 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010073 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 070292 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Reduction of excessive nationalism and prejudices in society - Interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 251159 VU Introduction to Human Rights from Different Perspectives
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010042 SE One Country - Three Religions. Seminar for the Preparation of the Excursion to the Holy Land
- 010073 EX Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Israel - Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances
- 010082 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology II
- 010089 SE Rooting Dialogue. Basics of the trilateral dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims
- 251097 KU Current Human Rights Issues from an Interdisciplinary Perspective III
- 010032 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010073 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 251137 VU Introduction to Human Rights from Different Perspectives
- 360011 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010067 VO Special Pastoral Theologies: Interreligious Dialogue as a practical-theological issue
- 010068 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances: Vienna
- 010082 VO Introduction to catholic theology II
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010089 SE Spiritual and Political Care in the Context of Migration
- 010082 VO Introduction to catholic theology II
- 010089 SE Living and learning from refugees - Practical-Theological reflections on Aid for refugees
- 010092 SE Israel - a (theological) challenge
- 251130 VU Introduction to Human Rights from Different Perspectives
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010032 VO Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
- 010091 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances (Vienna)
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010071 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters: Vienna
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010087 VU Pastoral Identity
- 010089 SE Understanding Judaism today: Encounters from a interdisciplinary perspective
- 010019 VU Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010027 VU Learning ecumenism
- 360006 DR Biography and Theology: The way from Christian identity to a theological research project
- 010033 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters: Vienna
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010087 VU Pastoral Identity
- 010105 BA What does Caritas do all day long? - On the Contributions of "Caritas" to Convivenz in Justice and Plurality
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010087 VU Pastoral Identity
- 010091 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters: Geneve
- 010087 VU Pastoral Identity
- 010048 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters: Romania
- 010087 VU Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010041 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010147 FS Creating home by writing. Practical-theological reflections on Migrants¿ literature - Praktisch-theologische Reflexionen zu ausgewählten Texten der "MigrantInnen-Literatur"
- 010077 VO Introduction to theology II
- 010084 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters
- 010087 VU Principles of Pastoral Theology
- 010095 WS Religion in Context of Migration
- 010125 SE Lectio- meditatio- contemplatio - Der biblische Text und die kontemplative Übung auf der Grundlage des Ijob- Buches
- 010164 VO Pastoral Theology III - Leben, Lieben, Arbeiten, Sterben: Herausforderungen einer 'biographischen Seelsorge'
- 010031 VO Hope after the End of Utopias? - Ringvorlesung
- 010149 SE Religion in the Context of Migration
- 010082 KO Conversatorium on the main lecture - (Pastoral theology III)
- 010155 VO+UE Introduction to theology II
- 010232 VO To live, love, work and die: Challenges of a "biographic-orientated pastoral-care"
- 010149 SE Realizing Youth Religiousness
- 010155 VO+UE Introduction to theology II - Introduction to theology II
- 010078 SE Spiritualität und Politik - Spiritualität und Politik. Pastoraltheologische Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zweier grundlegender christlicher Lebensweisen
- 010041 PV Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen
- 010155 VO+UE Einführung in die Theologie II - Einführung in die Theologie II
- 010041 PV Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen
- 113067 PV Privatissimum für Diplomanden - Privatissimum für Diplomanden
- 117201 VO+UE Einführung in die Theologie II - Einführung in die Theologie II
- 117392 SE Grundtexte für spirituell Suchende - Grundtexte für spirituell Suchende
- 113067 PV Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen
- 113067 PV Privatissimum für Diplomanden - Privatissimum für Diplomanden (inkl. Starttermin)
- 117201 VO+UE Einführung in die Theologie II - Einführung in die Theologie II
- 117083 SE Zukunftswerkstatt Kirche II - Zukunftswerkstatt Kirche II
- 117083 SE Grundkompetenzen pastoralen Handelns II - Grundkompetenzen pastoralen Handelns II
- 117011 SE Grundkompetenzen pastoralen Handelns I - Grundkompetenzen pastoralen Handelns I
- 117012 SE Religiöse Kompetenz - Religiöse Kompetenz als gesellschaftliche Schlüsselfunktion der Zukunft
Last modified: Th 13.02.2025 13:40